Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014

This week was pretty normal. Did missionary stuff, set goals to be more obedient, studied the scriptures. I have really been gaining a larger appreciation for the Bible out here. I don't understand how people believe anything but the truth when they read the Bible. It's all there! Every basic point of doctrine is in the New Testament. I guess I am being unfair though, not everyone reads with the spirit like we always try to do. I am growing to love the words of Christ. Any attempt to describe him as "gentle" or "stern" or "bold" fail. He is simply perfect. His response in every situation does not follow some script, but is adapted perfectly to the situation and people involved. To follow Christ is to love everyone, and rely on the spirit to know what is needed to help them. Makes me realize how impossible it is for me to become like Him on my own. I truly need him every hour.

Our investigator Steeves is doing amazing. He was at church yesterday and in Gospel Principles class he got up and gave a powerful explanation of why he prays. He told about how his spiritual side had been dying for years, but one day he decided he needed to come back to God. He started praying to God to help him develop a closer relationship with him. Shortly thereafter he met Elder Castrejon and Elder Rock (I replaced him) at a bus stop. He began meeting with us and bore testimony of how he has felt his relationship with God grow and strengthen. He is preparing for his baptism on May 24th. He is a boss.

Marcel is doing ok. Still having issues. We are going to play Monopoly today with him for P-day. He claims to be un-beatable, but we will see about that. He is still on the fence. He feels the truth and importance of the restored gospel, but just can't let go of this one thing. We pray a lot for him.

My advice to Jordan this week is the same advice you gave me before my mission Mom. She should start getting up and going to bed now. The schedule provides for eight hours of sleep, which is plenty, in fact missionaries spend a third of their mission asleep! It is more about getting into the flow of it. The MTC provides a good place to get through the adjusting phase, but it would be beneficial now, when the stuff you doze through isn't so important. There is a missionary I know (it's not me don't worry) who doesn't go to sleep on time and doesn't get up on time. He loses his study time every morning and is struggling spiritually as a result. If getting up on time and going to bed on time is a challenge, now is the time to start. (Sorry Jordan, I know that is not what you wanted me to say).

As for the whole camera thing, yeah if it drives up the price then don't send a camera. I can just be a big boy and buy one myself :) 

Not to much else going on. Just a normal week. Love you guys so much!!

Elder Hardy

p.s. forgot to bring my camera today

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