Saturday, April 5, 2014

March 31, 2014

Hello family!!

Sorry if this little letter is a little scatter-brained. I just got ranted at by some guy in the library for like ten minutes about how untrue the Book of Mormon is. He clearly hadn't read the book, and he really didn't have any good points, but my train of thought has been scattered like leaves in the wind. Seems to happen that way. He is far from the first person to do stuff like that (I've told my stories of being physically assaulted already I think) and will be far from the last. I just really shouldn't have quoted the Bible at him though. It wasn't the right thing to do, so the spirit left. Thus I couldn't answer his attacks (of course) and I just had to sit and take it. Lesson learned I hope.

Anyway, to answer the questions:

1. Were you able to go to the Temple last week?
            Yes I was. I was the last one into the session. It was awesome to get to do it again after so many months. A big refresher and I learned a lot.
2. Is there anything in particular you need/want for your birthday? (The package with your cord in it should be arriving in Montreal tomorrow)
         I don't know. Some more pictures for sure. Maybe a calendar. I'm not sure if that was one of the things you suggested I bring but I refused, But like a calendar with pictures of you guys on it would be cool. I don't really "need" anything, so don't go overboard or anything. 
3. Have you had any interesting/uplifting experiences street contacting?
         Not worth telling. Still really struggling with it. It's teaching me humility. The problem is each time I get humbled I get proud of how humble I've become and I end up back at square 1.
4. Do your companions know that you have a beautiful singing voice?
5. Is there a Costco near you?  If so, does your card work?
         yes and Yes. We go there about every other week since my companion doesn't like it.
6. Are you being transferred?
         No. Both me and Elder Castrejon are staying for another transfer.
7. Do you still study French every day as part of your study time?
         Yes. We try to speak french among ourselves, but it's hard when you don't use it with everyone else.
8. Since you are serving in a YSA ward do you use social media (Facebook, etc) to communicate with your investigators?
         Yes. We get a whopping 15 minutes on Facebook every day. Great way to find less-actives.
9. Have you learned to cook anything new?
In Ottawa? No. With my previous companion I learned a few recipes. The only one that stuck was french toast though. I forgot the others.
10. Where will you watch General Conference?
            At the church, hopefully with our investigators.

Finals are starting up so things are going to get slow for a bit. We committed two investigators to baptismal dates this last week though. Marcel committed himself to the 19th of April (really hoped he would pick the 12th). He is so ready, he just has to overcome some concerns about the priesthood in church history. Steeves also accepted a date for the 24th of May, which was an awesome surprise. We thought he was going to drop us, but it turns out he has been reading and praying, and wants to join. The spirit was so strong when we extended the commitment. He has a ways to go with his beliefs, but he seems to have the humility to make it.

That's about it this week. Love you guys so much! Hope you have a good week. So happy that Jordan went to the temple. Never stop going there Jordan. Every opportunity should be taken to attend. Especially during these last few weeks. The closer we get to God the stronger we become, and nothing brings us closer to Him than making, renewing, and keeping covenants with him.

Elder Hardy

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