Monday, April 21, 2014

April 14, 2014


Not going to write as much this week, I have some catching up to do. Had a good birthday. Somehow everyone in the ward knew about it and it was a big deal, then Elder Castrejon started telling people on the bus about it to start conversations. So glad that I'm trying not to be a poop anymore!

In other news, nothing new happened. Time to catch up.

Elder Hardy

Here is me
1. Eating my birthday lunch
2. With Elder Messinger, a close friend and mentor on my mission.
3. Me with my birthday cake I think.

Sorry for the weird format on the photos. I am not sure why the camera uses that file type. I've been thinking about just getting a new one. The memory card doesn't come out (so annoying!!) the pictures aren't always the best quality, and it is super picky about which computers it likes. Might just go buy another one. Don't know though.

here are some more:
1. Elder Ballard. He is really strong and likes to bake bread. We call him Peta.
2. Me. In the distance is the Canadian parliament. 

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