Monday, May 5, 2014

April 28, 2014

Hello All!!

Had a good week. Steeves is doing absolutely fantastic, and is super excited about his baptismal date on May 24. We taught him the Word of Wisdom and the law of Chastity in one visit this week. We started by teaching the word of wisdom, then asked him why he thought the Lord would give us this commandment. He said that he really liked how the commandment emphasizes avoiding addictions and started talking about how it should include moral purity as well since he feels that society is destroying itself with an addiction to immorality. At that point we taught him the law of Chastity. He is thirsting for the gospel, and at times we aren't pouring it out fast enough for him! It is incredible to see someone so prepared to accept the gospel. The only doctrinal point left to cover is tithing and fasting, then some preparation for his interview, and the interview itself. There is no joy greater than seeing someone recognize the same joy and satisfaction in the gospel that you do. It gives us a tiny little glimpse at the joy God feels when we do what is necessary to return to him.

Jordan, I'm so excited I can hardly breath! You are going to be such a great missionary! I know the road has not been easy, but I think you will find that the experiences you've had in these last couple of months and years have given you an ability to testify very powerfully. The Lord never punishes us with trials, but through him we can turn the trials we face to our advantage. Follow President Larson's advice at all times, and look up the talk "The fourth missionary." I don't remember who it is from, but he takes the doctrines of sacrifice and consecration and applies it to missionary work in a way that has changed my perspective greatly. Don't worry, this one is not a weird "deep doctrine" thingy, it was given by a mission president :)

Yeah, that's it for this week. Been having a good time and improving in my missionary skills. Maybe by the end of my mission I'll be "good" at it, but for now I'm happy with "getting better."

I love you guys so much! Always remember the savior, because that is what we all promised to do when we were baptized, and we renewed that promise yesterday when we took the sacrament. I know that the Lord lives, and that he speaks to us through prophets today. I can and do have a personal relationship with him, and by his stripes I am healed. I know these things more than I know anything else. No matter what is said or done, nothing can change that knowledge. All other knowledge must conform around those truths.

Elder Hardy

My Current District

I don't think you'll find this in Bulgaria. It was super hard to find it here! Not that we were looking...

Can't remember if I showed you guys what happened to my foot. That was after cleaning it out with rubbing alcohol and rinsing it. YAY Non-car areas!!

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