Monday, April 7, 2014

April 6, 2014

I figured out who Paige looks like: she looks like one of those girl actresses playing Peter Pan. That is it. That's been troubling me for a whole week.

In other news I loved General Conference so much!! You are very perceptive Mom, I loved Elder Uchtdorf's talk on gratitude. I have been really hard on myself for the last few weeks, and I need to be grateful; more grateful for both trials and miracles. One such miracle is that our Investigator Steeves (pronounced Steve) accepted a baptismal date last week, and randomly showed up to general conference on Sunday. He stayed for the Sunday morning session, and the lunch and baptism afterwards. We were starting to worry about him since he has been super busy with finals and we hadn't seen him in a week. That was a miracle.

A trial this weekend was that Marcel is having a super hard time. His date is the 19th of this month, but he is having a really hard time about the history of the Church, especially pertaining to the priesthood. He really wants to join the Church, but just has that standing in the way. We have talked about it several times, but he isn't satisfied. We are going to see him this week with a member in the ward who had a similar problem. Hopefully his testimony and story will touch Marcel more than little white and born in the nineties me can. He needs our prayers. He is a truly elect son of God, and knows the Church is for him. I'm not allowed to ask you guys to fast for him, but I love that man and have fasted several times for him already.

This is going to be embarrassing, but I am FINALLY beginning to understand what Dad keeps telling me: 100% obedience brings spiritual power. I have not been a disobedient missionary, far from it, but I am beginning to see how much better I can do. It took me asking my companion how I can overcome my fears. He told me to start being more obedient. It makes so much sense to me now. If I want my faith to grow, I have to use it. It does affect everything whether I truly work out in the morning, rather than lifting our barbell a couple of times then dozing on the couch. Having a good study EVERY morning can help my investigators, and is how I can change who I am. I'm sorry it took so long for me to figure that out. At least I am starting to get it now.

As for the package, I haven't gotten it yet. The Zone Leaders forgot to pick up the packages. The Calender, don't really matter to me. Just pictures of the family is perfect. Thank you so much. I am doing fine for clothes. I will probably start needing more next spring, but for now I'm fine. At least I didn't make the mistake of putting in bleach like Elder Smith. His shirts have big yellow streaks now. Love you guys so much. Looking forward to Mother's day next month.

Elder Hardy 

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