Saturday, April 5, 2014

March 24, 2014

Bulgaria?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! What language do they even speak there? Bulgarian? 

Wow what a call! How amazing! What's even more amazing is how right it feels. I'm not sure how, but it is almost as if I saw it coming even though I didn't. I know T will do amazing things there. As much as I wanted him to come be with me, I know that the Lord sends people to those that need them, not to those that already get to spend eternity with them. 

I am super pumped to have heard Tanner's call! I've been waiting for like forever. Leaving in August? Dang. That means we will overlap by a few months over three years. My year mark is in June and my year-to-go mark is on May 26 (HOW DID I ALREADY GET SO CLOSE TO THAT WHERE DID MY FIRST YEAR GO??!!) I try not to dwell on my death day (we call finishing our missions dying out here) because each time I do I realize how little time I have to become the missionary I want to become. Treasure the time on your mission, both of you with calls. We call a mission a sacrifice, but since I came out here I've realized that it is just another one of the tremendous blessings that the Lord just keeps dumping on his children when they are obedient. King Benjamin was right, and it's unfair! Every blessing is connected to a commandment, but I often feel that the stick is lopsided. Every time we try to serve him he blesses us so much more than we really earned. It just keeps on coming until all we can do is thank the Lord for his goodness and keep obeying. 

Sorry I'm going to rant on this subject for a minute. People, even in the Church sometimes, People see sin as moving us into the negatives on the slide-scale of life, and obedience and blessings bringing us back to zero on the scale. This view makes us seem entitled to blessings and doesn't give enough credit to the Lord. Yes sin moves us backwards, but so does a simple lack of diligence. When we obey commandments and seek to apply the atonement we don't rest at "where we are supposed to be" we rocket up into the stratosphere of the positives. If we don't maintain our level of diligence and obedience we don't get to keep that level of blessings. We slide back to zero, and as we sin we then enter the negatives. Thus will all men be judged according to our works. Not according to whether we we stayed above zero, for in the end every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ. All will eventually accept his sacrifice and repent, whether in this life or in spirit prison. None (save the sons of Perdition) can escape the grace of Christ, which will gather all of God's children, cleanse their sins, and drag the wicked, writhing in the agony of insufficiency and unpreparedness, back into the presence of the father. The wicked will then wish that the rocks and the mountains might fall on them and hide them, that they do not enter the presence of their God. Thus We are not judged by whether or not we are in the negatives, but by how far into the positives we go. The ordinances and covenants we make allow God to pour out blessings even more abundantly. The Atonement of Christ CANNOT be a passive thing. Today is literally, as Amulek (or Alma?) said, the day to prepare to meet God. The minimum is the telestial kingdom, and we use the gospel to climb from there. Thus Satan's plan is brought to even greater folly with this understanding. Without agency the telestial kingdom was all we could merit, if even that.

Sorry about that guys. That is the culmination of everything I've learned out here about the gospel suddenly and unexpectedly being thrown onto the screen. I hope you'll forgive me, and correct me if my understanding is not correct.

Had a good week. Transfer calls this Saturday. Probably won't move.

Love you guys!!
Elder Hardy

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