Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015

discount the panic e-mail

So discount the paniced e-mail I sent earlier. I figured it out. I got in to register after some fervent praying. I had no trouble signing up for da classes and now it's done. We can adjust it if we need to, but I've got the classes I want registered for. Now I can stop worrying about it for the rest of my mission.

This week was both good and rough. We saw some miracles, but at the same time we struggled to teach like we were before. Part of it is that S is a member now so we aren't teaching member presents to her, but also we just need to find more real investigators. I've dropped some of the old people now that Elder B is gone. We love them, but they just don't have any interest in accepting the gospel, they just like the Elders. Our time can be much better served finding those who will receive our message, not just us. 

We had a miracle though yesterday. We shared the #Becausehelives video with a family returning to church. After Elder H asked them if they knew anyone who would benefit from our message. The daughter brought up her friend S. We asked what she could do to share the gospel with her. She said invite her over to meet you Elders. We said great, when? She said Thursday at 7p.m. Voila a referral and an opportunity to teach in a member's home. It was awesome to see that, when we really do ask for referrals from everyone, referrals come! The daughter is funny because it doesn't seem like a hard thing at all for her to invite her friend to meet us. Of course she wants to hear the gospel! It's awesome! (What's funny is she's like 25 and a single Mom, not a little girl like you were thinking lol). 

Anyway things are good here in Lasalle. 

To answer your questions Mom: My companion speaks all 3 languages, though only his spanish is perfect (his English is pretty much perfect too, he just lacks confidence in formal settings). We are back in our lonely little basement apartment. It's nice to be back. The car is ours 6 days out of 7. Saturdays the zone leaders claim it so they can visit west island. Thanks for the money. If you do send a package, I love cookies. Your cookies, and chips ahoy. I really don't need any non-edible things. It would just have to go into my suitcase in a couple of months and come back to Spokane. Wait actually shoe laces. I really need shoe laces. I've gone through like 5 sets of shoe laces on the shoes and I am procrastinating going back them full time (from boots) because they don't have shoe laces. :P

Lots of love!
Elder Hardy 

New Companion

The Plan of Salvation

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