Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015


So S was baptized this past Saturday (we weren't even close on spelling her name until we filled out the baptismal form) and it was awesome! People actually came to the baptism! The spirit was so strong it was amazing. I baptized her because the recent convert who worked so hard to fellowship her fell less-active about a week before her baptism. It was still a beautiful experience and she looked so happy the entire time.

Then Sunday morning before Church the assistants got a call from President saying that I was going to receive a companion. Not my greenie sadly, I have no idea what's going on with him. Instead President did an emergency transfer and is sending Elder H to me. He's from Mexico. I don't know him that well, but I'm excited just to have a companion again. President is driving him up from Ottawa tomorrow. Spending so much time trying to go it alone (so to speak, the Lord is there always) really taught me why the Lord sends us out two by two. The pressure of doing it all alone was incredible, and I felt like I couldn't get myself organized. Now I feel things will really take off in Lasalle. I'm excited.

I'm impressed with Ronnie and Paige's work ethic! Another play wow, they're relentless! They're going to drive you into the ground Mom! It sounds like everyone is having a blast though. I hope this next week is better for Dad. 

As for registering for classes I'm not stressed about it. Even though I think I know what I'm going to major in, I still will likely mostly just do generals so that I can get them done and not stress about it while I'm in the field. 

Next week when I'm back at the church computers I'll send a bunch of pictures. It's been a while since I did so, but I just don't feel comfortable doing it on these Library computers.

Lot's of love
Elder Hardy

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