Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16, 2015

Lonely Part 2

First of all the other Elder Hardy looks super stylish in all the pictures he sends home. He`s really catching the European vibe. 

Well I'm still companion-less. To be honest it's extremely stressfull trying to manage an area alone and without the ability to get where I need to be without extensive planning and asking members to sacrifice time and gasoline. Yesterday I reached what we call in missionary terms ''Elder Red'' which means my stress overwhelms me and I have to stop. I ended up finding a quiet room in the church and just puting my head in my hands for about 2 hours. After that I calmed down and prayed and everything was better and I was able to finish the day just fine. I'm doing good now and hopefully I'll get my companion soon. It was a frightening moment however. I really have grown an appreciation for the need for companions. Temporary ones on the mission, and eternal ones afterwards. Not even celestial beings can go it alone.

On the bright side C.. is doing awesome. Her baptismal interview is tonight, and her baptism is scheduled for this Saturday. She's such a sweet spirit and it has been such a joy to witness her conversion. The sad thing is I will probably end up baptizing her because her fellowshipper has gone less-active (ask me about it after the mission. It's too fresh for me to want to talk about it). At least she'll be baptized.

Also do you remember the investigator named G.. back in Terrebonne? He left for Chile and I left before he returned. Well the Elders got back in contact with him upon his return and he is getting baptized the 28 of March! He's asked me to baptize him! I have to ask permission first, but I'm so happy that the Elders didn't give up on him! I knew he would make it!

As for the school stuff I've been praying and I feel I should be in the International relations major, with a plan to specialize in European politics and history. That's the direction I'm going to take for now. I intend to keep praying and pondering (though never during proselyting time I assure you).

I love you all so much! All my siblings look so grown up! Keep being awesome and never forget the Lord loves us, and that if we cling to our covenants he will always uphold and sustain us.

I know the Lord lives, and we are preparing the world for his coming.

Elder Hardy

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