Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 2, 2015


So up until now my mission genealogy (who trained who) has been rather dismal. I was Elder Murphy's only child, and I had no children, WELL BARREN NO MORE! I received the pleasant surprise of learning that my tenure as a zone leader was to only last 6 weeks. I'm staying in Lasalle and my dead companion is to be replaced by a brand new missionary (we aren't supposed to say "greenie" so I'm trying not to). I don't know who it is yet, but I will on Wednesday. The zone leader area is now one of the Mandarin areas, which is awesome.

This transfer call has taught me a lot about humility. I really enjoyed being a zone leader, and not always for the right reasons. I liked being the big guy on campus and having people shape up when I walked past. I wasn't aware of how huge my head had gotten till it deflated. I have been praying and fasting for the humility to accept this most difficult, least glorious, and arguably most important assignment a missionary can receive. My trainer had a huge impact on my life and mission. Now I will be the same for someone else. All distractions are removed, no leadership duties, just missionary work. I'm determined to make this the best 12 weeks of my mission for his sake as well as mine.

I'm filled with love for this unknown Elder. His mission is the biggest thing he's done so far in his life, and I want to make sure he enjoys it (in the right way of course).

I've been studying repentance a lot lately. I just can't get my mind off of it. How do I achieve that "mighty change of heart" that Alma promises? How do I change my desires? How can I become more converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? I know that the Lord is my Savior for I have felt his purifying power, but I seek the higher effect of the Atonement, Sanctification. I've begun a study of the New Testament (having delved the Book of Mormon extensively already on this topic) with these questions in mind. 

I love you all family! Just so you know I gave up soda and juice in an attempt to lose some weight. It's been over 4 weeks since I touched a soda or a juice. Been 5 since I went to Wendy's. 

I know that Jesus is our Savior. I know he has, does, and will continue to do all that is within his matchless power to bring us back to our Father, if we will but approach him and bring forth "fruits meet for repentance" as John the Baptist said. Christ will come again. I know it for myself.

Love, Elder Hardy

p.s. I don't really need anything. Maybe just some moneys so I can pick up some souvenirs for you all. I'm going to be a bit expensive when I come back, so I really don't need anything.

p.p.s no pictures this week. I forgot the cord.

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