Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January 5, 2015

Suddenly we were alone...

So I was driving back down from a split in Joliette on Saturday when we get a text from our dear roomates the Mascouch Elders informing us that they were being flushed and their area was closing in an emergency transfer. They leave tomorrow morning. We're all in shock. They're area has been dead this whole transfer due to the fact that a new team came in and took over the area with all their investigators, so it wasn't a surprise that it closed, but we thought it would at least last until the next transfer in two weeks. This will be my first experience in a two-man apartment. We'll see if I go insane. Probably not, Elder P. It's really sad for Elder N though. He's just reaching his 12 transfer mark and he has had 6 areas and no baptisms. He's a super awesome Elder who works incredibly hard and is exactly obedient. I wish him all the best in his new area.

In other news we found two new investigators this week. The Laval Elders had contacted a guy a while ago on the street; he lives in the sister's area but in a sketchy place so they sent us. It took us a long time to fix an appointment (it actually was Elder Noel who contacted the guy. Laval was his last area). We went over there and his friend was there. We taught the Restoration and it went really well. Both felt the spirit really strongly. The friend, M, was super impressed with what we missionaries do, and was pumped to read the Book of Mormon. E, the original contact, is a classic Haitian bible-toting Christian and at first we were unsure about his openness, but he was touched by the account of the first vision and is determined to "find out himself if this is true." I think he thought that we didn't want that, but we assured him that that was our whole goal. We have an appointment to go back on Wednesday, and we are super excited for them.

Sounds like T-man's having a wild time there in Bulgaria! It was cool how he said the people are very open over there. I imagined any mission in Europe being super slow and difficult, but it sounds like Bulgaria is a bit more humble than Western Europe. I hope he kills it out there (mission slang for find, teach, and baptise).

I really liked your story mom. I liked the words you used in your prayer. It was an example to me of keeping your priorities straight. You understood that if the Lord wanted to take away your wallet, it wasn't the end of the world. There are much more important things you wanted the Lord to bless you with. That being said you still asked him to show you a tender mercy and show you where the wallet is. I feel that is the most powerful way to show faith. At first we trust the Lord to answer our prayers and bless us according to our desires. When our faith matures and begins to look more like a tree (to refer to Alma's example) we start to trust the Lord regardless of whether or not he gives us what we ask. When we have faith like that, the Lord begins to trust US in return by honouring our requests. Thank you Mother for being such a huge example to me of unwavering faith. A seventy that came to our mission a little while ago said we need to develop faith sufficient that the Lord will trust us with the people he is preparing. That is the faith I'm trying to develop. Sometimes I mess up and spend my Christmas money on Pokemon cards (yea I know, but they were in FRENCH! I couldn't resist), but overall This is the happiest and most effective I've ever been on my mission. 

I know that the work that the Hardy clan is sacrificing so much to contribute to is the work of the Lord. He witnesses it to me a hundred tiny ways every day. God is with us, so who is there to fear?

I love you all!
Elder Hardy

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