Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 12, 2015

Gray colored sky

Besides being a joke about how confused I was when mom started referring to me as Tanner, the subject of the e-mail is a pretty accurate description of Quebec right now. When it's not snowing hard it's either snowing lightly or threatening to snow. That's life though.

On Saturday our investigator E... called us because his landlord was kicking him out because he was a month late on rent. We talked to the Bishop and determined the best thing for him to do was to call the police (it's illegal to kick people out of their residence during winter in Quebec) but he refused to do so because he doesn't trust the police and he feels it isn't right to make his landlord keep him there. He doesn't have his own phone and was leaving in a short period of time so we didn't know what else we could do. Then we found out he hadn't eaten in a week (because he has no money because he can't work) so we ran and bought some really basic groceries and brought them to him along with any extra winter gear we had in the apartment. I ended up giving him my gloves as well. He has our number and will find a way to call us when he either has a place to stay or needs more food (or both). The Bishop gave us a talking to yesterday though because he doesn't want us providing the food in that circumstance. Next time it'll have to be members I guess.

We have a meeting in Montreal on Wednesday so I should get the packages then. Can't wait to be able to send you all pictures again!

Remember that I love you all very much!

Elder Hardy

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