Friday, January 2, 2015

December 22, 2014

aCORDding to my calculations

Bonjour La famille! Joyeux Noel!

I'll start with the bad news. We went to teach a less-active who smokes a lot and my winter coat got all stinky. I threw it in the washing machine to get rid of the smell, and failed to realize until it had passed through the washer and the drier that I had left my pass-along cards in there along camera. Now the blasted thing won't turn on. I think I backed up a lot of the pictures on to the little flash-drive I bought, but I'm not sure how much I lost. In any case I only have one picture to send because I forgot to bring the flash drive.

On a brighter (but not brightest) note I know what time we're skyping. Due to the abundance of invitations we have to keep on the 25th (don't know how we're going to manage to eat it all) we will be doing our calls in the morning. It is with great apprehension that I ask if 11 a.m my time (I think like 8 a.m. your time) is too early? It's Christmas so I know you'll be up, I just don't want to interrupt the magic of Christmas morning. Please let me know if this does not work.

As far as this week went, it was pretty good. I've mentioned before a Haitian family that we found; well we started to teach them. They're pretty cool and all 4 kids are interested (the youngest is 9). They are excited to read the B.O.M. We invited them to baptism, but they don't yet understand why they would need to be baptized again. We're working on that. Needless to say we're pretty excited about them.

No I didn't open the presents, and neither did Elder Pyron. The rest of the apartment is sad though because none of their Christmas packages got here on time, so they'll be opening their packages likely in January.

Not a lot else. Super excited to hear that T-man is headed to Bulgaria at last. It will be funny if he's been on his mission longer than his trainer (that happens sometimes with visa waiters).

I love you all so much! This Christmas I'll be thinking of you! Then I'll get back focused on missionary life.

Elder Hardy

A picture of the district (or about half of it) caroling:

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