Friday, January 2, 2015

December 29, 2014


Well Christmas round-2 in the mission is over. What a surreal experience. Christmas was good though. After talking to the famalamily we had an awesome dinner with the De La Cruz family. We still have piles of meat left to eat from that meal. It was bad week for missionary work though. No one wanted to receive the missionaries during the holidays. We spent most of the time calling people and having them not pick up the phone. I've been sick the last few days and slept all of the 26th in a failed attempt to get better, so now I'm just dealing with it. Also we're pretty much out of kilometers for the month so we can't really go anywhere unless it's absolutely necessary.

That all being said I'm still doing well. Yesterday we had a really great lesson with a fellow named Ed. He was a pass-off from the Sisters. We suspected that he would lose interest the moment the Sisters weren't the ones coming to his house, but our suspicions were unfounded. He's really cool and really searching for something to help him in his life. He wants to "break the stereotype about black men!" I was tempted to tell him that being a Mormon is very non-stereotypical for a "former thug," as he puts it, but I didn't. We're really happy about him and have high hopes to see him really progress going forward. 

In other news, nothing else new has happened since our lovely conversation on Thursday. I went on Splits with Elder Noel on Saturday and we spent the whole time talking about how neither of us knows what we're going to do with our lives (he's six weeks younger than me in the mission). Then we passed by a former who pulled us into an argument about how we worship Joseph Smith because we "talk about him too much after he's dead." It was weird. 

That's about it this week. Thanks for sending the camera! I guess I'm lucky T-man cares about the quality of his camera. Also I'll probably get those two packages at the same time. No one is going to Montreal until the middle of January, and that's only if someone gets transferred (it's possible no one moves).

Sorry I don't have any pictures to send you this week. I couldn't even send them to you. I love you all though! As they say here in Quebec: Lâche pas la patate!

Elder Hardy

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