Monday, January 26, 2015

January 19, 2015

I guess I did something wrong

So I guess I did something wrong in Terrebonne, because President Patrick is making me a Zone Leader. I'm super sad to leave Terrebonne. I'll miss the people here and the memories I made. I'm going to Lasalle, which is one of the English wards on the Island of Montreal. My companion will be Elder Bareno, who's on his last transfer. I feel like we'll have fun together. I'm not at all upset about going to Lasalle, but goodbyes are always difficult. Zone leader is just like "meh." At the beginning of my mission I was all pumped and excited at the prospect of serving in leadership positions, but now I understand that they really aren't glorious, they're just additional opportunities to serve. I feel better because it's not as bad as Elder Brown. He was in my district these last few transfers. He was trained, he trained a new Elder, and now he's the new Assistant to the President. 

I did receive the two packages. The new razor is much appreciated thank you! Also the new bag is really nice. As for visiting the mission after I'm all for it! I haven't served in any really far away areas so it would be sick to pass through and see my areas! 

As for the missionary plaque thing, my favorite scripture right now is Nehemiah 9:17, though mainly just the last part of the verse. If that one is too weird then I really like 2Nephi 2:6.

I want to thank you all for the prayers and the fast in my behalf. This last week has been amazing for me. I could genuinely feel that there were people praying for me and wanting me to succeed. I started to improve the same day I sent that e-mail. Elder Pesqueira was an awesome support during the little crisis moment I had, and now I'm doing much much better.

I started this e-mail at 11:30 then had interviews in Montreal with President and now I'm back. Within that space of time I had my ecclesiastical endorsement interview. It's funny because President had already approved my endorsement before the interview. I'm in the clear for a bit now.

Wow it was Dad's birthday on Wednesday! I had seen it on my awesome calender, but forgot to write about it last week. I remember during the white water rafting after the 50 mile hike high adventure we went on when I fell in during the roughest section of rapids and got caught in a maelstrom. I went around and around and finally went under. I came back up and swam to the boat and Dad pulled me back in. He was laughing his head off. I didn't appreciate that at the time, but now it's hilarious. I love you Dad! You're such an amazing example of faith and obedience! I appreciate the 20 years of Christlike service and sacrifice you've made and continue to make. I love you so much!

Love, Elder Hardy

p.s. Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soccer on Saturday

Elder Pesqueria

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