Much ado
Hello all! Things are pretty good
here in Lasalle! Me and Elder Bareno have been so busy we just run around all
day like chickens with our heads cut off. We have to take care of a lot of
missionaries and be the go between for them and President Patrick. The trick is
that the A.P's are always with President receiving instruction from him. The
district leaders are constantly with their teams assessing needs and giving
instruction. We're just stuck in between the two making sure everything gets
communicated clearly. It's actually kind of fun.
Lasalle is a really awesome ward. I
spent my first Sunday there on splits with members because Elder Bareno had to
go to a funeral on west island. A lot of members were at the funeral as well
(which took 4 hours) so I didn't meet all that many members, but the ones I met
were cool. Lasalle is a very populous place, but it's also only mediocre as far
as the public transport goes. We share a car with one of the Mandarin teams,
but we have it most of the time. I have taken the metros a few times already
though. It's a completely different experience in Montreal. We were averaging
about 6 lessons a week in Terrebonne. This week we taught 20. That's actually
really incredible even for the island though. Practically every team in the
zone has someone with a baptismal date, and those who don't (like us) have
people that are really close. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to serve
here! The Lord has truly blessed me in this my last (probably) area.
Also I've been thinking about if I
should extend my mission an additional 6 weeks. I'm right up against the
deadline (I got my trunky-call on Thursday) for extending and need to decide
within the next few weeks. I've been praying and feel like I shouldn't extend,
but I want to know how you guys feel about it. I want to do what's right, but I
don't want to extend just to put off coming home and getting a job and stuff.
I know that this is the Lord's work!
My testimony of the truth grows daily! With man this work is impossible, but with
God, nothing is impossible.
I love you so much!!
Elder Hardy
Elder Pesqueira and I on our last day
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Me and part of the
old district
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My new companion
Elder Bareno