Monday, September 1, 2014

September 1, 2014

A picture-less letter about helping people move

Hello family, friends, bitter enemies, distant acquaintances, and Ronnie!

As usual I will start with the subject of the e-mail. For some reason like the entire city signs leases that all end between August 29th and September 1st. We've worked one move on Saturday, have already done one this morning, had to send other missionaries to handle another at the same time, and have one this afternoon. The good news is that all around us are students moving in for the new school year (starts tomorrow). Things should really start to pick up even more in the next few weeks.

I received a huge compliment from Jeanne, one of our newer investigators, who told me I should consider a career in teaching. I was flattered but I think it was just because I did all the talking in that particular lesson. 

Also before I forget for the like 7th week in a row (at one point I dreamed I'd told you but really I hadn't) I have become the unofficial piano player for the priesthood class because no one else can play at all. The result is me playing the right-hand of a hymn every Sunday. You were right Mom. I should have stuck with it. Now I'm desperately trying to get down "Choose the Right" with both hands. I just don't have the time or means to practice.

As for the picture-less part of this letter, I didn't bring my bag to the first move, so I don't have my camera. It will just have to wait for next week. Not that I took a ton of pictures.

Recently I read through and studied the book of Job for the first time. The majority of it was boring and nearly impossible to understand (thank goodness for chapter headings) but hidden within the pages and pages of circular exposition on the insignificance of man was some pretty incredible versus said by Job. What I gathered from the book was an incredible sense of Job's faith, honesty, and integrity. Job KNEW he hadn't done anything wrong. He knew he hadn't done anything to merit what happened to him, but it never once made him doubt the Lord's love for him. He was honest with himself and his "friends" in that he never lied and admitted to sinning just to appease them. He had a testimony of the Savior's plan for him, and his integrity towards this testimony never faltered. He said at one point "though he kill me, yet I shall trust him." He also said "I know that my redeemer liveth, and shall stand upon the earth at the latter day."

To be in his situation and to be able to say that is something to aspire to. Job knew of the Mercy and Gospel of Jesus Christ. He lived according to its teachings, and knew the promised blessings that accompany it, and nothing could tear him from it. He saw it as it really is: the pearl of great price. He was willing to watch everything else be taken from him, knowing that, because of his fidelity to the Gospel, "though the skin worms eat my body, yet in the flesh shall I see God."

I love all of you so much. I can't believe how fast time is flying! It's already September again! Enjoy this time with 3 missionaries. Me and the other two have a three-way e-mail thingy that we're doing. Super fun.

Elder Hardy

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