Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25, 2014

It didn’t

The subject of this e-mail comes in response to dad's comment that the zone has calmed down. It actually just got worse (as in more mixed up not as in it is bad. I don't mind the changes, it just requires me to do much adjusting on the fly). Elder R went home this morning so he can start school like next week or something. Rather than do another transfer, President has put Elder L and I in a trio with Elder Y. We had to move to their apartment this morning. Elder Y and I get along really well and I had hoped to be his companion anyway, so I'm actually pretty excited. Plus when we put all three areas in the ward together (yes I'm technically serving Chinese right now! I'm going to try and order a tag) it comes out to one very busy team. Luckily a busy missionary is a happy missionary.

Speaking of fluctuating levels of business on Tuesday the Elders from Abitibi made the 6 hour drive to Ottawa to attend zone conference, then President cancelled the meeting. They were 5 and a half hours into the drive when it was cancelled so they just came and stayed the night. We did splits with them and I went with Elder L. We had a bunch of lessons that day but had to split them up. This left us with un-planned for chunks of time. In the vicinity of our first lesson I had noticed a spot with lots of students walking around in weeks past. On a whim (more like prompting) I took us there and we started knocking doors and talking to the people. It was amazing!! First off everyone was home at 2 pm on a Tuesday (major miracle, like splitting the red sea big) and it seemed that every other door contained someone who was interested or at least willing to meet. We took down tons of numbers and at the end some Indian guys invited us in and became new investigators. In that day alone (accounting for the pre-planned lessons) we bested our numbers from last WEEK! Numbers aren't our focus but they illustrate well how awesome that day was! Truly the Lord strengthened us (Elder L is a boss as well). 

Other than that the week was pretty normal. Lots of cancellations and got stood up a few times. On a whole it was a positive week, but only Tuesday stands out.

One of our investigators B needs prayers. Her Mom found out she was meeting with us and now it's a big problem. She wants to keep learning, because she feels the spirit, but her mother is very against the church. She needs a miracle. I pray for her many times a day. She needs more help though. Any prayers will be appreciated :)

All seriousness aside I'm feeling really good right now. I am truly improving, and it's all thanks to the Savior (woop guess we're going back to serious). I am blown away constantly as I inexplicably (if we ignore the Atonement) improve. They're small improvements, but they are improvements I haven't been able to make by myself. I feel the love of my Savior more abundantly now than I ever have before. It just makes me want more!

Thanks for all you do. Even if I don't see it with my eyes, I can feel your love and concern for me and the people around me.

My commitment for this week is to read and study James 2. If someone wants to understand faith versus works that chapter contains the answer as clear as day.

I love you all!!!

Elder Hardy
My new companionship

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