Monday, September 15, 2014

September 15, 2014

Wow Paige is Peter Pan!!!!! I knew she was a little rascal! Hopefully she doesn't have to kiss Wendy or anything (that's a joke). Also Lizzie's team sounds like a machine! Hope the other girls don't cry too much (or their parents get too angry). Also totally don't recognize 99% of the non-family names that are mentioned in your letters. Shows how long I've been gone from the old home ward/stake.

So the big news is that I'm being transferred to Terrebonne (you can look it up. Then you'll know more about it than I do lol). It's apparently a suburb of Montreal just east of the river. It's completely french (yes!) and we should have a car (double yes!). My companion will be Elder S (never met him) and I'm senior by a few transfers. Also we're opening a new area there (there's already sisters there). Should be fun! I dodged a bullet too: neither district leader nor training like half the mission (actually more than half the mission).

The sad part is that I have to leave. I love the people here (and they all just came back) and will miss them. We hadn't had a dinner appointment this entire transfer until now. Tomorrow we have two. That's YSA life I guess lol (YSA has hooked me on text-speak sorry). Also there is definitely no Wendy's in Terrebonne so I'm sad about that. Elder Y owes me money so he's going to buy me my last baconator today for dinner.

The only possibly good thing about me leaving is that I made a grave mistake with our investigator. We had been discussing her concerns about the trinity and "poly-theism" (TTTHHHPPPBBBTTT!!!) and I waxed a bit too bold in denouncing the doctrine and the creeds that created it. I think I offended her (she's a very devote Catholic) when I said that it was "the doctrine of man clumsily imposed on God's scripture by the apostate shell of what was once God's church." Hopefully my leaving will help repair an otherwise-good relationship with the missionaries and the Church.

I learned a valuable lesson from that experience about respect and the line between bold (been working on being more bold) and being aggressive. I can confidently promise that I will never do that again.

Got to go know. I forgot to write President last week, so I had better actually write to him this week.

Love you all! 
Elder Hardy #1

p.s. my messenger bag broke (the strap) so I might need a bag of some kind. I'm going to try tape, then check the mission office's thrift store. I'll let you know if I need help :)

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