Tuesday, September 23, 2014

September 22, 2014

super late

So we are running super late so I'll have to keep this letter shorter.

We're way behind because when we arrived in Terrebonne we were told that the apartment was damaged and we were going to spend our next few p-days fixing it. Today a senior Elder came from Montreal to help us and we scrubbed all the wax and stains off the kitchen floor with comet and then re-waxed it. Then we spent a while trying to replace one of the doorframes and doors that were destroyed by an angry Tahitian Elder a few months ago. We got the door on but not the trim. We still need to replace the other door, finish the first one, and paint most of the apartment. Should be fun enough. Next week we'll be prepared and have the e-mails done before he arrives, or at least leave ourselves enough time afterwards.

Other than that things are going well. We're opening the area and so we still have no idea what we're doing. That will change with time however. Elder S and I get along well. He's funny and relaxed, though very obedient (which rocks). It's funny because every time he sits in anything remotely comfy for more than five minutes he starts to fall asleep. We've spent the last few days mostly sorting paperwork and making plans and goals so he's nodded off a few times (I say this to be funny. It isn't so bad that it's a problem).

Also we have to share a car with our roommates and Elder D just had a very painful surgery so there are two consequences: they can't bike while we can, and we thus can't reach half our area two-thirds of the time. Whatever, we'll make it work. If President thinks we can handle it, then we can handle it. Otherwise one of Sherbrooke's two cars would be ours! 

I'm doing well. A little stressed, but not as stressed as it sounds like Jordan is. I managed to dodge the training bug, I'm the only senior companion in the district who isn't starting or finishing training. Almost the only one in the zone as well. 

I now that the Lord directs this work! I know it because I have lived it, and I know that God always keeps his promises. Whatever sins beset us, whatever lies and mistakes we have made, the Atonement of Jesus Christ can heal us if we let him. I know this because it has, is, and will continue forever to work for me.

I love you all! I'm sure interesting things happened this week (I didn't have time to more than skim the letter sorry).

Elder Hardy

P.s. Thanks for transferring the money. I needed it :)

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