Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 8, 2014


Hello family and friends and various other readers!

This was the first week of September and this place is hoppin'! "Frosh week," which I guess means freshman week, was this week and there were crazy parties everywhere. We're in the Chinese apartment, which is right by campus and is in a building full of students, so there have been a few parties above us. We haven't seen the start of the school year in terms of more investigators yet for two reasons: lots of lessons due to us being 3 areas, and not having any idea where to go to talk to people. We can't go on campus because it's illegal and we don't want to burn any bridges (it's happened in this area before), and the spot we always went to is under construction. We'll figure it out though :)

Was a good week for lessons as well. Taught quite a few people and are seeing some progress. Focused on juggling all the balls we got tossed. On Wednesday Elder Y will get his new companion, Elder M from france, and Elder L and I will go back to a duo. It will be sad to separate, and to not visit the Chinese people anymore, but we'll still see them around. On the other hand I'm tired of basically camping in another apartment and I miss my awesome bed. This Saturday is transfer calls as well so I might not get to sleep in it much longer.

Not a ton of writing this week, I've been a bit out of it. On Monday I decided I wanted to start working out again so I did 80 reps on the bench-press and the next few days I could barely move my arms. By the time it wore off on Friday I had a bad cold. Not my healthiest week, though it hasn't hindered my teaching I haven't had a lot of energy overall. Taking the vitamine C you sent me and hoping to feel better soon.

I know that the Savior is real, He loves us and His Atonement can help us. When we were baptized we covenanted to never forget that EVER! It's hard to remember him always but that's what the spirit is for.

I love you all!
Elder Hardy

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