Friday, August 1, 2014

July 28, 2014


So I got the package. The vitamins helped immediately. I started feeling better within a few hours of the first multi-vitamin. Thank you so much for the pictures and cookies. I need to go slower with the cookies though. One case is gone and the other one is only around because I drank all our milk eating the first one.

This week was pretty good personally, though rough for the area. Didn't manage to see very many people. Our struggle isn't so much talking to people, it's finding places TO talk to people. The students and young people are all in hiding; we suspect in the sister's area since they are doing great. We might have to pull a Vladimir Putin and start taking over parts of their area (that one was a joke) (I live in a capital city where half the married members work in the American consulate of course I am up to date on world events). Been improving in my habits and work-ethic. I have included a picture of my new exercise goal:

In other news I found a hat someone left in our apartment that says "Obey" on it. Not only do I look like a thug during studies now, but it is my new "obedience hat." Every time I see it it reminds me to be obedient.

In further news my glasses have been broken again for a while. I need to get them fixed but keep forgetting. Also my debit card has expired so I can't pay to get them fixed (that is why I am never wearing my glasses in the pictures (My spares are scratched up too bad to see out of). On the bright side the expiration of my card kept me from using it for Wendy's while I wait for the beginning of August to finally roll around. My previous companions had to be convinced to eat out, but Elder Laouto loves it even more than I do. It's all we can do to make sure we have enough for groceries.

Sorry for the rather silly e-mail this week. The work in our area is struggling and I'd rather not send home depressing e-mails. So I prattle about the unusual things in my strange missionary life that are not so sad. I hope you forgive  me. We're working really hard right now, but the Lord is trying our faith. I just fear I'll be transferred before we see the fruits. Ah well. That's missionary life.

Love Elder Hardy

A few more pictures:

Me by some weird art thingy at a park looking out at the city (the can is NOT mine): 

Me by some weird art thingie at a park looking out at the Ottawa river (the bike is NOT mine):

Me by some weird art thingie at a park with a statue (the guy on the bench is NOT mine):

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