Tuesday, August 19, 2014

August 18, 2014


Hello family!!

So our teaching pool more than doubled yesterday. Not because we found them though. One of the Sisters in our ward has to go home mid transfer so she can make it to school. President decided to send her Greenie away and close the area. The result is that we now cover all their people. We are sad to see them go, but we aren't sad about the increased teaching pool. They had some pretty solid people so we have a serious responsibility to take care of these people. It should be fun.

I spent most of last week with Elder M in Petawawa. That place is tiny. I wish I had remembered to take pictures. Elder M. really likes board games, so when we weren't proselyting or studying we played Settlers of Zarahemla. We got really fast at it and by the time I left we had played around 15 games. I only won 3. 

Super excited to hear about T going into the MTC! I've already set up a three-way e-mail which should allow us to talk to eachother. Tanner's schedule will be interesting in Bulgaria, but it should work.

What else? The madness should be over, until next week when Elder R goes home. Who knows how President will chose to handle that. They have way too much work going on to be closed, so I think he might just send me away half way through. We'll see though.

Also Elder M taught me how to play this Chinese card game (Bang is actually a rip-off of it). One of the Chinese Investigators overheard me telling Elder Y that I know how to play it, so now the investigator is going to bring some friends to the church and play it with us today. Card game missionary work!!!!

I know the Atonement is real. I have felt it in my life, and I know what I need to do to feel it more.

Love, Elder Hardy

Me and Elder M

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