Monday, August 4, 2014

August 4, 2014

Well it's transfer season again. I feel like it was like two weeks ago that I last said that. I'm staying for transfer number 5 in Ottawa and number 3 with Elder L. I am so excited and happy at the chance to stay here and keep working with the people I have grown to love! The only sad thing is that it may not last long. First, Elder R, a district leader out in Petawawa, is in the U.S for a surgery right now, so our district has been assigned to help his companion make sure their area is covered. A routine split with the Dows Lake Chinese turned into a camping trip on Friday as Elder L was carted up two hours north to help Elder M. They came back last night, but I've been in the other (less comfy) apartment the whole time. They're going back tomorrow, then coming back Thursday and I have to go up there. This pattern will continue for a few weeks. Then half way through the transfer Elder R of the Dows Lake Chinese is going home so he can make it for school, along with half the sisters it seems. So we'll get another transfer call in week 3 of the transfer and who knows what will happen. Things are a mess right now. Oh well, at least I don't have to stop doing missionary work, I just won't get to be with my companion for more than a day during the first half of the transfer.

Not much other news. Started teaching a girl named Bianca. She is the girl I talked to a couple weeks ago on that day I finally started contacting again. She's cool. She wants to be baptized but hasn't felt ready yet. She is only 18 so maybe she'll get baptized and go on a mission!! That's my dream as a missionary. Elder A came to the first lesson and it was funny because he complimented her so much it almost got awkward. 

Also Yicela the less active finally came to church. I really wanted her to meet the ward, so during fast and testimony meeting I went up and told everyone to say hi to her after the meeting. They did. It was awkward, but it was a start. Now we're going to bring those people to the lessons and see if she'll make friends. She felt the spirit at Church, so now we just need to keep things rolling.

Well that's all. I'll include some pictures maybe.

I love you all! I love how Tanner is "practicing" baptizing. People will likely tell you T, that Bulgaria is a "low-baptizing mission." Don't believe them. The people there who aren't prepared might be more closed, so you may teach a few less lessons than Brazilian missionaries, but the number of prepared people there is the same. A missionary who follows the spirit 100% will baptized everyone the Lord needs them to. Good luck out there my brother!

Elder Hardy

I got tar all over the pants on this one:

Jammed my finger playing basket ball

Couldn't resist when we saw it in the Church parking lot

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