Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21, 2014

A week of potluck and open-minded gay couples

Ok so I'll just start with the gay couple thing. We were knocking doors on Saturday trying to find students when the door was opened by two young guys who informed us that they were "together." When we didn't pull out wooden crosses, hiss like vampires, and run away, they became interested in what we were sharing and let us in. We taught them the Restoration and talked a while. They were impressed when we told them that, while God doesn't agree with or condone their lifestyle, he loves them just the same as us, so why would we hate them? They asked us for a Book of Mormon and we gave them each one. They aren't going to be investigators, they aren't at that point on their personal journey, but we left a very positive impression and I could tell they felt the spirit. Cool story of the week.

Crazy how tall Ronnie is getting. I think I need to start calling him little Ron instead. More appropriate. Ronnie is an 8 year old in my mind. I'm so thrilled that T went through the temple! I can only imagine what joy it brings to see your children enter into that sacred place and make those covenants. 3 down three to go! 

Yesterday was the culmination of our districts plan to take matters into our own hands with regards to having activities in the ward. We put on a "meet the missionaries" potluck. It went surprisingly well. The whole ward who was at church stayed for the potluck and some Chinese potentials showed up as well. It was a great opportunity to get to know the members better, and was good for the ward to have SOMETHING during the summer. May was the last activity. For the event Elder Laouto and I made Shepherd's pie. It was a disaster zone in the kitchen making it (we had to go back and cook more potatoes twice) but it turned out really well and it all got eaten. Here it is in progress and finished (before the oven): 

In other news: not much. I know that this gospel is the true restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep up the missionary work back home!

Love you all.
Elder Hardy the Hobbit

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