Wednesday, July 9, 2014

June 30, 2014

Hello and greetings to all!!

So this week has been a pretty good one. On Monday we played basket-ball with our zone-leaders/roomates for like the third week in a row. Really starting to love basket-ball in a way I didn't before. I can't wait to play it with T again, I didn't really try back then, but now I've grown in confidence quite a bit. 

That's just the boring part of my pretty good week. Tuesday was boring at first, but in the evening James (his English name), the Chinese Elders' investigator, was baptized. Another recent convert named Julia (again her English name) gave a talk on obeying the commandments and it was so impressive I saved a copy of it. The fire of her testimony was just such an inspiration to see in someone who, just a few months ago, knew absolutely nothing about religion and God. Then James bore his testimony and the same fire was evident in his words as he told a little of his story in searching for the truth. That was a good night.

Then on Wednesday things got really good. I've mentioned before that I've really struggled to do any personal contacting. Well that afternoon was empty so we planned to go contacting by the University of Ottawa (over 40,000 students in the fall and winter by the way). I didn't have the best morning for studies or exercise (exercise none, studies distracted) and wasn't feeling too confident. Then something changed. I felt prompted to go pray. It was noon and time to go, but I closed myself in the bathroom with the lights off and started to pray. I had the most fervent prayer of my entire life in that bathroom. I told the Lord that I would give up all of my sins if he would give me the strength to contact. After I finished the prayer we left to go to "the square" and talk to people. I didn't feel any less scared or feel any stronger, but I knew that I had been sincere in my promise, and had faith that the Lord would honor my promise. The first person was a young woman that Elder Laouto contacted who wasn't interested, then I butted in and asked a question. I talked to her a bit and gave her our number, which she hadn't accepted at first. Then the next person was also a young woman. To my surprise it was me who contacted her! I ended up exchanging numbers with her and yesterday I called and set up an appointment for next week. For the next 30 minutes I contacted the peoples just like a normal missionary should (didn't find anyone else but that's personal contacting for ya). Then we got kicked out because technically we aren't supposed to solicit on campus property, but the spot is so good we YSA missionaries always go there anyway. After that we went knocking in a building we had noticed was full of students, but it was like 2:00 so no one was home. We planned to go knock and contact near the other giant University in Ottawa (Carlton University), but during dinner Elder Laouto gave a routine phone call to a media referral we've been trying to contact and she answered. He asked if we could come visit and she said to come right then. We left our food on our plates and made the 30 minute bus ride and walk to her house and met Jennifer. She's living with her boyfriend, and they have a kid (that makes her not YSA sadly) but she is super open and prepared. We taught her the restoration while she fed us and her 4-year old daughter hot-dogs (her boyfriend wasn't interested). She's looking for direction and a way to strengthen her little family. She thinks the family is the most important thing in the world, and we are really excited for her, even though we have to pass her off. :(

I didn't magically become perfect, or even become an accomplished contact-er, but I finally began to see progress in myself, and it has filled me with optimism and hope. I know I've been a junior companion for so long partly because I haven't been ready to lead, but hopefully this means I'm getting closer to being able to fill those positions if necessary. 

the rest of the week was normal. We did end up going to Carlton yesterday and it was such a good spot we'll definitely be going back often.

I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love the atonement and the joy it brings. This Sunday when I took the sacrament I felt the cleansing power of that ordinance more powerfully than I have ever felt before. I know without any doubt that this is the restored Church of Jesus Christ in these latter days. I love all of you, and I look at the pictures on my lovely calender every day.

Elder Hardy

p.s. If I were to receive a package I would be so happy to see lots of chips ahoy, some pictures of home (seriously I love receiving those), and maybe some vitamin C I've been feeling unhealthy about my diet of rice and browned meat stewed in onions and tomatoes (my only dish). Though don't stress, I'm not in any dire need.

p.p.s I haven't been receiving Jordan's e-mails. Is that possible to get?

p.p.p.s. Me at the Rideau Canal, which freezes over and becomes the worlds longest ice rink during the winter.

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