Wednesday, July 9, 2014

July 7, 2014


Wow no internet, sad life! At least none of you seem to be home right now lol!

This week has been pretty standard. Still trying to find people to teach. Saw a less-active on Thursday that I called up randomly, but she isn't at all interested in coming back to church or receiving the lessons right now so it was a one-hit-wonder kind of thing. Been improving in my contacting. Elder Laouto really likes soccer so we've been going to the various fields near the Universities and he jumps in and plays and talks to the players, while I talk to the other spectators. It has really been a useful approach. The game going on gives an easy in to start talking to people, then I just chat with them for a bit and guide the conversation towards the gospel. When you show genuine desire to know the person they begin to reciprocate and ask questions like "Are you from Ottawa?" From there it is a piece of cake to start talking about the gospel. It is cool to see that the more I engage myself as a missionary, the more the spirit is with me, and the easier it becomes to not only contact, but contact effectively. I know it is the Lord who makes anything I do happen. Without His help I probably wouldn't manage to do anything from 6:30 to 10:30, heck I probably wouldn't be able to even get up at 6:30. I'm finding that truly I must rely on Him in everything, or else failure is the inevitable result.

I love receiving Sister Hardy's letters. Her optimism and energy is what I have been praying to hear about for a long time now. Also she has an ipad. So jealous. Though it was on the Church news that the Church is ready to expand its use of ipads to all North American missions within the next year. Hurray! That will be cool and make our work that much more effective. Also e-mails won't be such a stressful part of p-day. 

I love this work. I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I know that this is his gospel I preach, and his Church I am endeavoring to build. I love you all very much!

Also shout-out to Maddie for writing me this week! Love you bunches cousin! Also yes, you should have sold it. ;)

Elder Hardy

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