Wednesday, July 9, 2014

June 16, 2014

I think I might start sending the letters this way. Now I can see your letter while I write. 

WHAAAAATTT!!!! Paige is learning to drive?!?!?!?!?!? That isn't allowed. She's still 8 years old! Eight year old people don't learn to drive!! It was bad enough when T learned to drive as a 12 year old. Why is you guys growing ups and stuff? Why?

Anyway Naol passed his baptismal interview on Saturday so it looks like he's going to be ready for the 21st. We've been visiting him a lot. He couldn't make it to church yesterday because he was in Toronto, but we are formulating plans to further get him involved and known in the ward. Our main strategy is getting Arzan the recent convert to come to a lesson or two. Arzan is the social heart of the ward. If he invites everyone to come to the baptism, everyone will come. The only sad thing is that Naol's parents will be at the Toronto temple during his baptism so they will probably not be there. 

Other than that life is good. Transfer calls again this Saturday. Just keeping on keepin' on. Kinda tired this morning. I think I'll send lots of pictures instead of lots of words. :)
Sorry about any repeats

Love Elder Hardy

The current district (minus elder laouto for some reason)

Me on a bridge at sunset

 Me by a waterfall

Just Me.

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