Friday, May 23, 2014

May 12, 2014

Hello Family!

It was so great to talk to all of you as well!! Just like you guys, I don't have too much else to say. I said it all yesterday. Super excited about my new companion, though I'm really sad to see Elder Castrejon go. He was such a great example of charity and a desire to change, and I try and will keep trying to emulate his example. I'm excited to receive Elder Laouto though. Can't wait to see what he can teach me. Also excited because he is my first non-district leader companion ever. Woot! Normal missionary team!! So excited!

I also feel bad that I didn't have any happy stories to tell. I thought about it and I guess Jimmy's story is pretty cool. We were knocking in the slums of Sherbrooke when we knocked on this door and this gruff, half awake sounding voice asks us (in English) who it was. Elder Murphy hates being talked to through the door, so he used his usual trick: he said "it's us." As it often does, that did the trick and Jimmy opened the door to see who "us" was. We introduced ourselves and he invited us in immediately. He led us into the smelliest, nastiest, smokiest little apartment I'd ever seen (I've since seen worse). He asked us a rather odd question once we sat down. He asked: "what happened? Where'd the other guys go?" Turns out that about a month ago the Elders that we had replaced had knocked this same building and Jimmy had let them in and listened to them. He had less-active acquaintances and was interested in improving his life and growing closer to God. Those Elders had never come back despite promising to teach him more. Over the 7 months that I met with Jimmy I got to know him very well. He changed a lot. He didn't get more educated, but his mind started to wake up a little more. He didn't become stronger socially, but he gained the humility to ask for help in dealing with the people who were abusing him. By the time of his baptism even his apartment didn't smell so bad. He likely will never be able to completely chase out the smell of cigarettes, but it's much fainter now. Last I've heard Jimmy is doing very well. He has some friends in the ward there, and while he doesn't know a lot, he knows that the gospel has brought him closer to his Heavenly Father, and that is all he needs.

Love you guys so much!
Elder Hardy

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