Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5, 2014

Haldo all!!

Just another e-mail. This week has been normal. Trying to juggle our investigators and find more to somehow add into the juggling. Our investigator Fabrice is finally starting to progress. He accepted a Book of Mormon, he wouldn't take one before, and seems to be growing in genuine interest. It started when he asked us to teach him about the law of Chastity. So we did. It turns out it is something he really needed to hear. It helped him understand what sin is, and really provided opportunities to testify of the Atonement. 

So excited to hear about and from Sister Hardy!! Sounds like she is having a wonderful experience. It is so foreign to me to think of only spending like 10 days in the MTC. I didn't feel totally ready after six weeks, and I'm not even talking about french. But then I got out and realized that it was the trainers who do most of the real teaching, and the MTC is just to cover the basics. I'm sure Jordan will do great! Our mission President told us that Elder Neil L. Anderson told him that the wave of sister missionaries is being sent by the Lord to soften the hearts of all the Melchizedek Priesthood holders who had left the Church, and I have seen it happen so many times. The sweetness and firmness of a sister missionary is so powerful that I sometimes wish I could just pass-off all my investigators to them. I know that there are people here who need what Elders bring, but it truly is the Sisters who have impressed me the most out here. So excited to have one that is my sister!!

I'm not sure what the details are on when I will be calling you guys on Mother's day, but I will e-mail you again when I have that figured out. I can't wait to see all of your faces!! I'm so grateful for the mission I was assigned to. It is exactly the mission I needed: super intense. I don't know what other missions are like, but our mission has such a serious tone that there is little room for apostate (missionary lingo for disobedient) behavior. I learn a lot from the no-nonsense attitude that 85% of the missionaries and 100% of the leaders have. I'm so blessed to have a Father in Heaven who knows me, and cares for me. I love you all so much!!

Also transfer calls are this Saturday.

Elder Hardy
Me and Elder Castrejon being bosses

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