Monday, May 26, 2014

May 26, 2014

Hello family!!

First before I forget: Shout out to Madie, who wrote to me. To all you other cousins I refer you to Alma 60:6. That's a joke by the way. :)

This last week has had its ups and its downs. Steeves, who had a baptismal date for May 24, dropped us via Facebook four days before. Just decided he doesn't want to change his ways. From what he said it seems he didn't have a testimony yet, so it is good he didn't get baptized, but It makes me super sad that he decided to stop trying to get one. That got us down, but then at the end of the week two more people accepted dates. It was amazing. Me and Elder Laouto were trying to figure out how to get more committeds, then we realized that the way to get people to commit to baptism was to invite them. So we did. Naol from Ethiopia accepted a date for the 14 of June, and Caroline accepted August 2nd as a baptismal date! Both are doing very well, and Naol should get baptized in the next two weeks. Also while I was taking an unfortunately long potty-break (I swear the Asian food Elder Carrier made was poisoned, tasted good though) Elder Laouto went crazy with the phone and called a whole bunch of people that neither of us knew. As a result we were able to meet with some former investigators who didn't have teaching records and some old potentials. That was a pleasant turn of events

In other news, I performed my first ordinance on my mission (besides giving blessings). I ordained Matthew Dingwall to the office of a Priest. He is a returning member we have been working with. When I met him he was doing drugs, drinking heavily, unemployed, and living with his girlfriend. Over the course of just three months he moved in with some other (male) members of the ward, quit drugs and alcohol, dumped the girlfriend (such a bad influence) and found a job. Yesterday he passed the sacrament for the first time in over six years, and is back on track to serve a mission. He told me last monday when we visited him that I had played a central role in helping him come back. He thanked me and asked if I would ordain him. I was so touched to know that I had played a small part in helping someone apply the Atonement in their life. I'll never forget that experience.

I'd better cut it short today. I'm running out of time. Still got to write President. Love you all. Remember always that Christ is the rock upon which we must build our foundation. All other philosophies, creeds, paths, and gospels will fail in the end, but Christ will not. Those who choose him and stick with him will find themselves high and dry when the floods of mortality finally recede. 

Elder Hardy

p.s. Got the package finally this last Friday. LOVE the calender. It was exactly what I was thinking of! Gots it hanging up right in the middle above my desk. Also the cookies were the best thing that has happened! I was just saying that morning how much I loved and missed thin mints. The picture says the rest.

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