Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

Hah!! I love Ronnie's face in the skiing picture!

I can't wait for T to get his call. I heard a story a few days ago about two brothers who served in the same mission at the same time and were companions at one point. The problem is it is so extremely unlikely that it almost certainly won't happen, no matter how much I pray every night that it does. But now when it doesn't I am going to be super bummed, but only for about six seconds after I've spent an hour being excited about where the Lord has called him. As for you Jordan, my advice is to start small. First ensure that you are reading your scriptures and praying sincerely every day. Then add a bit of study from Preach My Gospel every day, then build from there. Testimony comes from keeping the commandments to the level our faith allows, then seeing the blessings. This strengthens us enough to do a little more. Thus step by step weak things become strong unto us. What is challenging becomes a treasured skill. I know that you can become an incredible missionary, it just takes faith like a mustard seed to push us to action. From there we can develop the trust in the Lord to allow him to mold and shape us into the people he wants us to be.

That has been a focus recently for me. I don't know if I have ever mentioned it but I have a really hard time street contacting. That is 90% of our contacting in YSA, so that has been a struggle for me. I can knock on any door and not be afraid of anything, but when I am pacing a sidewalk block trying to talk to people I just freeze up and walk right past them. At first I was really confused as to why I couldn't do this. I prayed and the feeling I got was that I wasn't the kind of person who could street contact. Well I thought that was just great, then I realized what that really meant. The Lord expects me to become someone who can street contact effectively. That changed my perspective a lot. I have been trying to trust the Lord more completely. Instead of being afraid of saying something stupid, I need to trust the Lord to guide and protect me. That has also outlined to me the importance of proper preparation. We can do whatever the Lord requires of us if we do what is necessary to have the spirit. For everyone, and especially missionaries, this strength comes from studies. Another goal of mine is to be a more effective study-er. So many goals, so little time. 

There is a Wendy's in short walking distance from the apartment, but I have only gone once. When I deserve it I will go there, but not until then.

Other than that the sisters had a baptism on Saturday. There were more people at that than at church the next day. We had three investigators at the baptism, but none made it to church the next day, but another investigator that we hadn't expected ran into a member at the bus station and decided to come on the spur of the moment. A really weird week.

Anyway that is about all for today. Sorry I can't send pictures. 

Love you all!!

Elder Hardy

p.s. our roomates are in a home ward and are the zone leaders. Elder Castrejon is my district leader.

p.p.s. There are two Universities of over 30,000 students, one decent sized college, and about 4 smaller schools. Ottawa is a very young city.

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