Monday, March 3, 2014

February 17, 2014


Hello all!

Got my transfer call on Saturday. Am I going? Am I staying? What color sweater am i wearing? Tune in next time to find out!!!


Just kidding. I got my call and I am going to Dow's Lake in Ottawa. It is completely English, oh and Dow's Lake is a YSA ward. That means I get to only talk to young people and use Facebook. Not gonna lie, leaving Sherbrooke is the hardest thing I've had to do so far on my mission. I love the members here so much, and I was startled to discover that they loved me too. I have got some pictures to send of some of the families that I especially have grown to love. 

That is actually pretty much all the news I have. I will be companions with Elder Castrejon. I don't know anything about him, but I guess I will find out. We won't have a car in YSA, so hopefully my growing girth will have an opportunity to shrink a little. 

It is super awesome that Tanner is so close to getting his call. I just have this feeling that he will be coming here and that I will train him...

Ok that probably won't happen, but I can dream right? I know that T will be a great missionary wherever the Lord calls him. In fact I have a picture of his MTC companion: his name is Aubert

He is getting his papers in here too.

I love you guys and know that the Lord is in control of his work. I don't know what my e-mail situation will be in Ottawa, but I will be sending one some time next monday.

The Beaudoin Family (plus Eden Jette on the bottom left)

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