Monday, March 3, 2014

February 10, 2014

Hello all!

So it is the last week of the transfer again. Next Saturday is transfer calls and I will find out what is happening. I am excited to see!

First off wow, that so incredible the progress that it sounds like is happening back in Spokane! Next up dad you need to baptize one of your partners. Ronnie is so huge!! He is seriously the biggest guy on that team! I

wish i could have been there to watch the games.

In any case things are shaky here in Sherbrooke right now. Both of our new converts are struggling. Maintaining the obedience that brought them to baptism is proving hard for them. One has started smoking again and doesn't feel worthy to come to church anymore. She got a bus pass to come to church from fast offering money, but so far hasn't used it. The other is struggling with tithing, and his problem with coffee has randomly re-surfaced. I am terrified to leave Sherbrooke. I feel a certain responsibility to them because i have been teaching one for seven months, and I found the other. I am worried I will leave and someone else will be left with all these problems.

In other news, why am I writing early? because we are going to Longueiul for a zone activity today, then a zone conference tomorrow. We are all excited because this might be the time for our mission to get ipads. Also there is going to be a meeting mid march in Montreal where all missionaries will come and a member of the Quorum of the 12 will be there! That also might be when we get a tech upgrade. We are noticibly excited about all this. 

I don't really have time today to write a ton, but I love you guys. Next Monday I will know my fate. I will attach a picture or two to this now.
The district enjoying p-day


A light dusting

baby Xavier B, the worlds best German speaking Quebecois baby!!

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