Monday, March 3, 2014

February 24, 2014

Wow Ronnie looks huge!!! 

Well here I am in ottawa, in a giant family history center attached to a steak center eating...WENDY'S!! It is undoubtedly the best feature of Ontario. Living in YSA is nutso. The people are all young and hip, and we get to use facebook for 15 minutes every day. Otherwise we couldn't get in touch with half the people. Also my legs will be buff by the end of my time here because we have no car and walk a lot. 

Well in the answering questions portion: My companion is Elder Castrejon (from southern California again). He is Mexican, a published rapper, barely older in the mission than me (six weeks), and shorter than me. We get along great. Yes Ottawa is the Capital. We live a few blocks from very large government buildings. It is a much prettier city than Montreal, and a lot less like Sodom and Ghommorah (seriously). Yes young people are very curious and often searching for answers. Yes we do try to speak french with eachother. We also teach some in french. Not much but a little. On Saturday we went to a YSA's family's house for dinner. He is hispanic and so they and my companion started speaking spanish. I was ready to barely understand anything when the mother turned to me and started to talk in French. I was so relieved! I could communicate with these people! It was a startling experience to realize how much I have internalized the language. I have truly been blessed with the gift of tounges. I find myself with language skills better than missionaries who have been out more than twice as long as me. It has been another testimony to me of the Reality of God and his love and care for his authorized servants.

I don't have a companion with a cord now so I can't send pictures for a while. Guess maybe later in my mission.

Goodbye all!!

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