Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015

discount the panic e-mail

So discount the paniced e-mail I sent earlier. I figured it out. I got in to register after some fervent praying. I had no trouble signing up for da classes and now it's done. We can adjust it if we need to, but I've got the classes I want registered for. Now I can stop worrying about it for the rest of my mission.

This week was both good and rough. We saw some miracles, but at the same time we struggled to teach like we were before. Part of it is that S is a member now so we aren't teaching member presents to her, but also we just need to find more real investigators. I've dropped some of the old people now that Elder B is gone. We love them, but they just don't have any interest in accepting the gospel, they just like the Elders. Our time can be much better served finding those who will receive our message, not just us. 

We had a miracle though yesterday. We shared the #Becausehelives video with a family returning to church. After Elder H asked them if they knew anyone who would benefit from our message. The daughter brought up her friend S. We asked what she could do to share the gospel with her. She said invite her over to meet you Elders. We said great, when? She said Thursday at 7p.m. Voila a referral and an opportunity to teach in a member's home. It was awesome to see that, when we really do ask for referrals from everyone, referrals come! The daughter is funny because it doesn't seem like a hard thing at all for her to invite her friend to meet us. Of course she wants to hear the gospel! It's awesome! (What's funny is she's like 25 and a single Mom, not a little girl like you were thinking lol). 

Anyway things are good here in Lasalle. 

To answer your questions Mom: My companion speaks all 3 languages, though only his spanish is perfect (his English is pretty much perfect too, he just lacks confidence in formal settings). We are back in our lonely little basement apartment. It's nice to be back. The car is ours 6 days out of 7. Saturdays the zone leaders claim it so they can visit west island. Thanks for the money. If you do send a package, I love cookies. Your cookies, and chips ahoy. I really don't need any non-edible things. It would just have to go into my suitcase in a couple of months and come back to Spokane. Wait actually shoe laces. I really need shoe laces. I've gone through like 5 sets of shoe laces on the shoes and I am procrastinating going back them full time (from boots) because they don't have shoe laces. :P

Lots of love!
Elder Hardy 

New Companion

The Plan of Salvation

Monday, March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015


So S was baptized this past Saturday (we weren't even close on spelling her name until we filled out the baptismal form) and it was awesome! People actually came to the baptism! The spirit was so strong it was amazing. I baptized her because the recent convert who worked so hard to fellowship her fell less-active about a week before her baptism. It was still a beautiful experience and she looked so happy the entire time.

Then Sunday morning before Church the assistants got a call from President saying that I was going to receive a companion. Not my greenie sadly, I have no idea what's going on with him. Instead President did an emergency transfer and is sending Elder H to me. He's from Mexico. I don't know him that well, but I'm excited just to have a companion again. President is driving him up from Ottawa tomorrow. Spending so much time trying to go it alone (so to speak, the Lord is there always) really taught me why the Lord sends us out two by two. The pressure of doing it all alone was incredible, and I felt like I couldn't get myself organized. Now I feel things will really take off in Lasalle. I'm excited.

I'm impressed with Ronnie and Paige's work ethic! Another play wow, they're relentless! They're going to drive you into the ground Mom! It sounds like everyone is having a blast though. I hope this next week is better for Dad. 

As for registering for classes I'm not stressed about it. Even though I think I know what I'm going to major in, I still will likely mostly just do generals so that I can get them done and not stress about it while I'm in the field. 

Next week when I'm back at the church computers I'll send a bunch of pictures. It's been a while since I did so, but I just don't feel comfortable doing it on these Library computers.

Lot's of love
Elder Hardy

Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16, 2015

Lonely Part 2

First of all the other Elder Hardy looks super stylish in all the pictures he sends home. He`s really catching the European vibe. 

Well I'm still companion-less. To be honest it's extremely stressfull trying to manage an area alone and without the ability to get where I need to be without extensive planning and asking members to sacrifice time and gasoline. Yesterday I reached what we call in missionary terms ''Elder Red'' which means my stress overwhelms me and I have to stop. I ended up finding a quiet room in the church and just puting my head in my hands for about 2 hours. After that I calmed down and prayed and everything was better and I was able to finish the day just fine. I'm doing good now and hopefully I'll get my companion soon. It was a frightening moment however. I really have grown an appreciation for the need for companions. Temporary ones on the mission, and eternal ones afterwards. Not even celestial beings can go it alone.

On the bright side C.. is doing awesome. Her baptismal interview is tonight, and her baptism is scheduled for this Saturday. She's such a sweet spirit and it has been such a joy to witness her conversion. The sad thing is I will probably end up baptizing her because her fellowshipper has gone less-active (ask me about it after the mission. It's too fresh for me to want to talk about it). At least she'll be baptized.

Also do you remember the investigator named G.. back in Terrebonne? He left for Chile and I left before he returned. Well the Elders got back in contact with him upon his return and he is getting baptized the 28 of March! He's asked me to baptize him! I have to ask permission first, but I'm so happy that the Elders didn't give up on him! I knew he would make it!

As for the school stuff I've been praying and I feel I should be in the International relations major, with a plan to specialize in European politics and history. That's the direction I'm going to take for now. I intend to keep praying and pondering (though never during proselyting time I assure you).

I love you all so much! All my siblings look so grown up! Keep being awesome and never forget the Lord loves us, and that if we cling to our covenants he will always uphold and sustain us.

I know the Lord lives, and we are preparing the world for his coming.

Elder Hardy

Thursday, March 12, 2015

March 9, 2015

Lonely little me

The big news this week is that I didn't receive my new companion. He was turned back at the AĆ©roport because his visa mentioned his Belgian citizenship, but failed to mention his dual citizenship in the Republic of Georgia. When he arrived with a Georgian passport the customs agent freaked out and put him on the next flight back to Salt Lake. Now we're just waiting for the Church offices to sort it out and get him over here. In the mean time I'm in a trio with the Assistants and covering an extremely healthy area all by myself. I've been blessed by the Lord so much in the last few days, as I've been able to do what I have needed to (through largely member splits) and am handling the obvious stress of the situation.

On the bright side C is doing super awesome. She came to a special meeting with Elder Kacher of the second quorum of the Seventy and it was a really spiritual experience. Her testimony is really growing, and her excitement for her baptism is growing every day. She's such a miracle and I'm so blessed to have been a small part of it. 

I did receive the information on the different subjects, and to my great consternation they practically all require a calculus class! Is there no Balm in Gilead?! Is there a prophet in Israel?! Can't a man just get through University without studying math!? Sigh. I guess I'll just register for generals and figure it out when I get back­. It may be that I will have to humble myself and take such a class, but I'm going to ask if this cup can be removed from me first.

In other news, I don't have much time today since I don`t have a library card and can't get one since I'm not a permanent resident of the Town of Mount Royal. So I have to use the extra computer time that the Assistants don't use. Know that I love you all, and that I pray for you. Please pray for Elder S that he will be able to come to Canada and serve his mission.<

I love you all!
Elder Hardy

p.s. don`t worry about the pants. They're already worn out. The only pair of suit pants standing has several holes in the legs and the right pocket is destroyed. 

March 2, 2015


So up until now my mission genealogy (who trained who) has been rather dismal. I was Elder Murphy's only child, and I had no children, WELL BARREN NO MORE! I received the pleasant surprise of learning that my tenure as a zone leader was to only last 6 weeks. I'm staying in Lasalle and my dead companion is to be replaced by a brand new missionary (we aren't supposed to say "greenie" so I'm trying not to). I don't know who it is yet, but I will on Wednesday. The zone leader area is now one of the Mandarin areas, which is awesome.

This transfer call has taught me a lot about humility. I really enjoyed being a zone leader, and not always for the right reasons. I liked being the big guy on campus and having people shape up when I walked past. I wasn't aware of how huge my head had gotten till it deflated. I have been praying and fasting for the humility to accept this most difficult, least glorious, and arguably most important assignment a missionary can receive. My trainer had a huge impact on my life and mission. Now I will be the same for someone else. All distractions are removed, no leadership duties, just missionary work. I'm determined to make this the best 12 weeks of my mission for his sake as well as mine.

I'm filled with love for this unknown Elder. His mission is the biggest thing he's done so far in his life, and I want to make sure he enjoys it (in the right way of course).

I've been studying repentance a lot lately. I just can't get my mind off of it. How do I achieve that "mighty change of heart" that Alma promises? How do I change my desires? How can I become more converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? I know that the Lord is my Savior for I have felt his purifying power, but I seek the higher effect of the Atonement, Sanctification. I've begun a study of the New Testament (having delved the Book of Mormon extensively already on this topic) with these questions in mind. 

I love you all family! Just so you know I gave up soda and juice in an attempt to lose some weight. It's been over 4 weeks since I touched a soda or a juice. Been 5 since I went to Wendy's. 

I know that Jesus is our Savior. I know he has, does, and will continue to do all that is within his matchless power to bring us back to our Father, if we will but approach him and bring forth "fruits meet for repentance" as John the Baptist said. Christ will come again. I know it for myself.

Love, Elder Hardy

p.s. I don't really need anything. Maybe just some moneys so I can pick up some souvenirs for you all. I'm going to be a bit expensive when I come back, so I really don't need anything.

p.p.s no pictures this week. I forgot the cord.