Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 2, 2015

What a week!

This week has been crazy, especially the end of it. On Wednesday we did splits with the Kirkland Elders and I spent the day in Lasalle with an Elder who's been out 12 weeks. Dang I've been out over a year longer than him! Thursday we realized about dinner time that Elder B had kept the Kirkland phone by accident and they had been trying to contact us all day. They got lost coming to pick it up, and the whole evening was destroyed for both teams. On Friday we had 6 lessons scheduled, and only one happened. 

Saturday was the worst though. We had agreed to help a member move into our area at 12:30. He had already loaded the truck that morning with the help of some other Elders, and we arrived ready to just help him unload. The truck was packed to the brim with stuff, and the other Elders had to take off. That left only 4 people, counting my companion and I, to unload the truck. We drove off to pick up some other Elders and then we were able to get it done in about 2 hours. Then we discovered that he still had "a few little things" back at the old place. We went back over to the other side of the city (with a detour to pick up a washer and dryer that was a logistical disaster thanks to a stubborn door that wouldn't open all the way). We got back to his place and proceeded to completely refill the huge U-Haul with stuff (this guy's new apartment is tiny by the way) and get stuck in rush-hour traffic heading back (yup it took that long) going back to the new place. Then we had to go give the car to the Chinese Elders so they could get to a lesson. We finished at 7:30 and headed to the ward party that had started at 6. We missed the bus and had to wait a half an hour (it was -18 plus a strong wind all that day) in the cold for the bus to come again. When we got to the party all the food was eaten (we hadn't eaten yet) and the kids were playing the new Super Smash Brothers in the corner and I had to resist going over to watch the entire time. We had to wait for the Chinese Elders to come get us after their lesson and their lesson went for several hours. They ended the lesson at 9:40. They got lost coming back to the church and picked poor starving us up at 10:10. We then had to drive them home (a long drive) and then grab some McDonalds so as to not die during fast Sunday. We didn't even nightly plan and we still got to bed around 11:30 and had to get up early on Sunday for a stake meeting at 7:00. That was a rough 24 hours.

On the brighter side our investigator C came to church on Sunday! We're planning to give her a baptismal date later today. We're still super busy and super happy (except Saturday we weren't very happy).

I know that the Lord is in this work, for it is his work.


Elder Hardy

Pictures of our visit to the St. Joseph Cathedral in Montreal

With Elder G

Some old friends!

At a Dinner Appointment

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