Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 16, 2015

another day another Pineapple

This time the subject has absolutely nothing to do with anything. 

We had a super week this week! We saw some crazy miracles happen with less-actives and referrals. We taught 15 less-active and recent convert lessons (an unbelievable number) and received 6 referrals from them. It was crazy. One lady just started listing off apartment numbers in her building one after another after we asked her who she knew who might be interested. Each time she said: that's all of them. Then she would pause and then say another one. The spirit was really working with her.

Also the french sisters passed off to us a young father and his 9 year old daughter who are super cool. The dad grew up Catholic but never practiced. Now he's looking for a safe environment for his daughter and wants to rekindle the faith he had as a child.  We should see them tonight after we see C... (who's doing awesome by the way). 

Some crazy stuff with the car this morning means we're running behind so this letter will have to be short. But i'll send some extra pictures.

I love you all! I have such a testimony of the Spirit! His presence makes all the difference.

Elder Hardy

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