Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 9, 2015

Just Stop It!

This week I would like to highlight the relationship between members and missionaries. The reason for this is that we had a rather difficult situation come up when we got a call from the assistants on Friday.  

Mom editing here to save the privacy of some of the missionaries and members involved...

The point of this story is that we need to trust our missionaries. If there is a huge problem threatening someone's salvation, do something, but if you just don't like their behavior talk to them. Don't go spreading rumors (everyone on the island of Montreal seems to have heard about the meeting already) and trying to get Elders in trouble! Now we have to keep a close eye on the Elders and make sure they don't get bitter or feel judged. Trust the Elders, and let the mission leaders deal with any possible problems!

There that's my angry rant for this week.

In other news last Monday night we met with C and she accepted a baptismal date for the 21st of March! We are super excited and she seems so as well.  She came to church again yesterday and we're hoping to be able to meet and teach her family through her. 

On Saturday we had a meeting with all the ward mission leaders in the Stake and gave them training. President taught them about the progress record and how it is all we need as far as ward council agendas are concerned and how that document should belong to the ward councils, not the missionaries. We gave a training as well about what key indicators are and why the wards should care about them. We also shared our mission's standard of excellence. It was really an uplifting and awesome meeting and at the end the Stake President spoke on how his vision is perfectly unified with President Patrick's vision, and established how he would follow up on the things taught and discussed. It was cool to see the priesthood keys perfectly aligned and opening a stream of inspiration that we are going to do our best to keep open at the ward level.

That's about it. I love you all! I know our Savior lives, and we are engaged in His work.

Elder Hardy

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