Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 24, 2014

Warning, this letter is a TOTAL missionary letter.

Mom I think you are starting to absorb my sense of humour. That was hilarious (yes I think I'm hilarious). To assuage your concerns, we got about 3 inches of snow, and now it's like 10 degrees Celsius and raining so all the snow vanished pretty fast. A few days ago there was freezing rain and that was fun to drive in. No close calls yet though.

As for Christmas, not sure. My clothes should suffice until I get back at this point. pictures for sure, I love receiving pictures. I'm going to have a huge collection for my wife when she starts scrap booking (lol). Not really in need of anything else. Just love and maybe some cookies. Actually a cheap side bag would be nice. The backpack is really hard to get on and off while wearing a winter coat.

This week was a good week overall for us and for the district as a whole. We're doing a great job raising our vision, and each week has gotten better since we started. For us we are doing a good job managing to get lessons, especially with members, but our investigators are kind of weak. We're doing our best to bring the spirit, but a number of them just let us back because they like us or because we are really persistent. we're still trying to find the ones who are prepared.

Yesterday we were doing just that, passing by formers and parking a ways away so we could walk a bit and talk to people and knock. Our appointments had cancelled and we were on plan B. None of the formers were home, and no one we had talked to was interested. After one pass by we got back in the car and decided to find a gas-station so we could both use the restroom. I wandered around for a while, not sure why I didn't use the GPS. We got lost in the maze that is Saint-Francois and ended up on some random street We'd never been on before. We stopped to figure out where we were, and I got the distinct impression "I'm on this street for a reason." I knew there was somebody here, but not which house. I pulled the car up the street, staring at the houses. Suddenly I stopped and said to Elder S..: "We're going to knock this house." We got out and knocked on the door, and waited, and waited, and waited. Finally the window by the front door opened and a middle-aged woman poked here head out to see who it was. We contacted her and she was really cool. She gave us print-outs of her favourite picture of Christ and we gave here a Book of Mormon in exchange. She was thrilled to receive it (she was ready to buy it) and we left her with a card. We didn't push for a return appointment or anything. We then got back in the car. We both felt that we had finished what we needed to do in Saint-Francois and left to go eat dinner. It was really a testimony builder to me. Earlier, in my frustration at our lack of success, I had prayed silently and asked God to guide us to those who are ready. He answered that prayer. I'm going to do that again!

I love you all so much! Can't wait to see your faces on Christmas!

Love, Elder Hardy

p.s. forgot the cord today. Sorry no pictures :(

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