Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17, 2014

A good week, though not as good as Joliette's

The subject of the e-mail is a joke referencing how the whole district is geeking out right now because Joliette was blessed with 8 new investigators (that is over 8 times the mission average for one team in one week). We had a good week ourselves though.

President Patrick has begun a new idea in the mission called "raise your vision." The idea has been to raise our vision (of course) of what we can accomplish here in Quebec. President is just tired of (and I'm guilty of this) missionaries using Quebec as an excuse for stagnant numbers and low baptisms. He's pushing us to push ourselves. The way he wants to accomplish this is through a better use of goals. If we raise our vision of what we CAN achieve, we will set goals accordingly. Then we need to go out and work to achieve those goals. If we do so we WILL achieve what we audaciously dreamed to be possible in Quebec. I'm really excited about this idea. It is so clear to me and I can feel that this is the time to turn on the jets! We've spent the last year and a half re-centering our vision on why and how we do missionary work, now it's time to raise it. With permission, I've set district goals for the remainder of the transfer (they're quite audacious) and been focusing calls and trainings on working hard to achieve worthy goals. The result has been a genuine improvement in just one week, and the prospect of steady improvement as our vision keeps rising.

Also on Friday we invited G.. to be baptized. The effect was magical. He didn't say yes, he said I need to know first. Now he is actually investigating and not just having us over to chat. The lesson was really powerful. The spirit really has opened his heart and prepared him to really start on the path to conversion and eternal life.

I have a message for little Zach Hardy: I love Pokemon too!!!!! But not as much as I love you!!!!

The play looks like it went super well! Don't worry Paige, I'm certain you'll have plenty more moments to shine in the next few years at least.

Also I almost forgot: the stake is doing a one day "media split" on November 29th. We'll be bringing along different tech-savvy members with us all day and they will document our daily activities and posting them on Facebook and other social media. The idea is to flood the internet with posts relating to missionary life. You can follow this event by using the hash-tags #missionnairesmtl and #terrebonneelders (ask a young person what those are). You will see my beautiful face!

Also Christmas is coming! Brace yourselves! I am pumped to get to call you guys and see your faces!

Lots of Love!
Elder Hardy

The window this morning (dang, I look as tired as I feel):

Me and Elder Spencer in our car:

Me and a river still during splits with Elder Noel:

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