Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 1, 2014

A lost cord, a Haitian family, six month program, and Thanksgiving somewhere else

There I just summarized this last week. That's all I guess.............................................

Lol just kidding. We had an up-and-down week this week, but it ended well. On Tuesday I was sick and spent the day in bed, and Wednesday I was still sick but we went to zone Conference anyway. Zone Conference was powerful and uplifting. Pretty much the entire time President Patrick just taught us doctrine. He spent several hours teaching us about the visit of the angel Moroni to Joseph Smith. He delved quite deeply into the scriptures and prophecies and showed how many of them are being fulfilled as we speak. I was very uplifted and, despite the fatigue and headache I received revelation on several people we are working with. Then on Thursday we did splits, Friday we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to arrange for the social media blitz for Saturday, and Saturday was when the miracle with the Haitian family happened in complete despite of all appearances that our day had horribly failed. Sunday was lovely because we taught all day after church (and ate).

Now on to the subject of the e-mail: I can't find my camera cord, so I am not capable of posting the many wonderful pictures I am taking. Sorry. That takes care of the first one. Second, we started teaching a really cool Haitian family that Elder F (ZL) and I knocked into a while ago. We were able to visit the wife and four children (all pre-teenish age) and they are pretty excited about the Book of Mormon. The wife is going to talk to the husband and invite him to be there next time (he was at work). We are pretty excited to have been given this opportunity by the Lord. More like this responsibility. 

As for the six month program, I have begun to increase my exercising efforts in an attempt to be ready for that yet-distant moment of return. I'm certainly not thinking about that yet, but I figured that six months was more effective than six weeks.

As for for thanksgiving, I did a split with the Mascouch Elders on that day, so I got to spend Thanksgiving with some family I've never met. It was a huge Hispanic family and they invited plenty of (member unfortunately) friends. Not only were they a tad sad that both their Elders weren't there, but they talked in Spanish the entire time and we just sat there and ate (no mashed potatoes or stuffing, only rice and turkey and different rice). I planned the split, so it's my fault, but I missed the dinner with the family I know.

That's about all. Just lots of chugging along. A little nervous about being transferred next week, but trying not to think about it. I love you all lots! Your Thanksgiving sounded super awesome! Tackle football, why not a nice little game of checkers? (lol). 

I love you all! I know that the Lord is at the head of his church. He is not behind the scenes, lurking in the shadows. He is at the forefront, making bare his arm in every aspect of our lives. 

I don't remember the reference right now but I love the scripture where Christ says:
"Wherever two or three of you are gathered in my name, there will I be also."

Elder Hardy

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