Saturday, October 26, 2013

September 30, 2013

Hello everyone!

Man that is an awesome picture of jordan. I think it made all of the other Elders a little uncomfortable. Tell Jordan that that picture makes her the cutest girl I've seen on my mission. Tell Ronnie that they play him on the line because he can do both, but not everyone can play on the line. Also a good football team is built on its line, not its ball-carrier because no runner is better than his blockers. Two princes are better than one king right? I'm joking of course. I just hope Tanner doesn't have to turn down too many proposals to go on his mission.

I sent two letters, one to Ronnie last week and one to the Whole family more recently. I hope the stamps are working. Also transfers are in two weeks so if you want to send me food now is the time ;) 

I forgot to tell the story last week about the lady who freaked out at us. We knocked on her appartment door and started talking to her. She wasn't interested and so we asked if there was something we could do to help her. She replied calmly that no one in the world needed more help than her. She then just went Berserk. She started pushing us down the stairs swearing at us and screaming at us (in French of course) and telling us to get out. We wanted to knock the other door in the appartment but she was screaming at us that they didn't want to hear from us. Then she slapped us both across the face. We decided to leave at that point. As we left the building she was kicking us and still screaming and swearing. She stood on the porch for a minute screaming at us not to talk to the people on the street either. We have no idea what got her so upset. Her whole demeanor just changed in the blink of an eye and she lost control. It was sad and also kind of funny how angry she was.

Yes it is the season for buying coats and gloves and such. It is just chilly right now but it shouldn't be long before it starts reaching 30 and 40 degrees below zero (Celsius). Coats cost a lot here because they are an absolute necessity. You will freeze to death without them. Or I guess just not go outside. Of your bed.

As far as missionary things go, not too much news. Still working and teaching and knocking. I hate how certain it is that anyone we start teaching will be found and hit with anti-mormon material and directed to sites about FLDS communities in British Columbia (the Canadian news paints these communities as Mormons). We can easily respond to these concerns, but the problem is when the people get scared and won't talk to us. It is pretty frustrating.

Still I'm finding that the only way to be happy out here is to work. Sadness, homesickness, distraction, they all are results of idleness. It is hard for me to change my attitude regarding this, but Elder Murphy is a big help because he will tolerate to slothfullness. I hope to have nailed down this working hard thing by the time I come home.

Also someone called the police on us last night. We knocked on there door at about 8:15 and they said to go away or they would call the police. We tried to talk to them for a minute after, but obviously got nowhere. About 5 minutes later we were a few doors down talking to a Catholic woman who is convinced that the Virgin Mary will come back to the earth and give birth to Christ once again (she was 100% focused on Mary rather than Christ) when two police officers showed up and told her to close the door. They talked to us for a few minutes about what happened (the lady accused us of impersonating the police) and told us that we 100% have the right to do door to door (yes!!! Eat that every concierge of an appartment building ever!) but just be carefull not to scare people at night. They also checked our ID. it was a good story, but we lost like 10 minutes of knocking time because of it. Oh well.
That is all I have time for today. I love you guys. Don't stop living, learning, and loving the gospel. 

Oh yeah I gave a talk yesterday in French. I used one of the quotes from my binder of quotes. It was about dilligence in member missionary work. It wasn't very long (5 minutes) but it went pretty well.

Elder Hardy

Me and Elder Murphy in our Shchnazzy new jackets. We haven't bought full coats yet, but that is next.

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