Saturday, October 26, 2013

October 14, 2013

Good Monday to all of You, and Happy Thanksgiving!!

That's right. Here in Canada Thanksgiving is today. We are going to dinner today at the home of the ward's most recent convert with the second most recent convert and the Bishop. I am reasonably excited to eat stuffing (dressing in Canada) and not have to lose proselyting time to do it. 

As for your question about baptisms, not so far. However, Jimmy Moore has a date for the last saturday of this next transfer (November 16) and he is super excited. His date was in December, but then he heard about Transfers so he asked us to move the date up. He really wants us to do it. He is very excited for the baptism and was telling us about how he wants to come to church every week and make friends so that he will be okay when we leave. I think he likes us.

You may have guessed that Elder Austin K. Murphy and me are staying in Sherbrooke. The only change in our district is that we are getting a team of sisters. This town of maybe 300,000, with a ward of about 100 active members, will have three teams. Everyone is really excited.

I have come to a decision, and I want to tell everyone so that they can hold me accountable. I have promised that I will not play Team Fortress Two or any online games when I come back. Ever. I intend to still play games with Ronnie or my cousins if they want to, but gaming was destroying my life and, hard as it is for my badly addicted little soul, I need to leave it behind. Only if I promise and comitt to change will the Lord give me the strength to do so. That is something I am learning out here. The Lord doesn't catch us and carry us across until we muster the faith to jump.

Not too much else this week... PICTURE TIME!!! YAYYY!!!!  :)
Dang it doesn't work on this computer I forgot. One second...

Ok here is a picture of me with brother John Dillman, the recent convert superstar. He was baptized the week before I arrived while going to school to become a protestant minister. He read the Book of Mormon in one night, then took three days to study it. His testimony is of a blow-you-back-on-the-bench quality and he blew up the ward mission plan of 20 Book of Mormons given out a year by giving out 15 in one week. In the picture we were helping him and his friend do major renovations in the house (he lives in his best friends basment. He has never been married and he is a very successful entrepeneur.) GAAHHH THE PICTURE WILL NOT WORK!!! I GUESS NEXT WEEK!

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