Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013

Hello everyone,

This week does not bring too much news for me, but lots for my friends. The big news is that one of my BYU roommates is home now trying to recover from severe depression. My heart and prayers go out to him, and I ask the same from you. He is a wonderful person, and needs help recovering. 

As for life here in Sherbrooke, it goes on. It is starting to get cold already. It hovers around 5 degrees C, but the wind and humidity make it feel much colder. We are sharing our car with the other Elders, but they learned how to use the bus system so we use the car most of the time. Our investigator Jimmy is scheduled to be baptized not this saturday but the next. He is trying to quit cigarettes, and solves some problems with his nephews who have been using his apartment to hide drugs. If he can conquer these problems then he will be ready to enter into the waters of baptism on the 16th of November. He needs our prayers as well. 

Another Investigator, Carol, was having a problem with money and was about to get kicked out of her apartment. I prayed for her every day that she might have a miracle. We found out friday that the situation shifted unexpectedly and she will be staying. That was a testimony to me of the reality of the power of prayer. I am so grateful for the chance to be here and witness the miracles of the gospel in the lives of others. I have begun to see the changes it is bringing in me. I am still not the person that I want to be yet, but I am trying to get there for the first time in my life. I have taken the big step of no longer hating work, and being okay with it. The next step is learning to love it. I'm here in Quebec, I'm not leaving until I'm done. I'm not going to be an Elder who sits around all day. That means I'd better learn to like working. There is too much at stake to be lazy. I have a responsibility for the welfare of other's souls, and that can not be something I take lightly. 

That is about it for this week. Happy Birthday again Ronnie. You now hold the priesthood. You have more power and authority than any king or ruler. God has entrusted you with his own power. Use it to bless those around you. I have had a number of opportunities to use my priesthood to bless others here, especially through giving blessings. Always be worthy. We can't afford not to be.

I love all of you so much.

Elder Hardy

Sorry no pictures this week. My companion forgot the cord. I am trying to make a video of me speaking french, but I can't figure out how short it needs to be. Maybe next week.

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