Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014

I looked really hard but I didn`t ever see him

As the subject suggests I looked for Tanner, but failed to locate him. I was sad he didn`t get to sing the solo part. He would have nailed it. Maybe he should start wearing hipster glasses so people notice that he`s good too.

My goodness how I loved General Conference! Each one has gotten better and better on my Mission. Before I didn`t really pay much attention (did I ever mention that I slept throught the announcement of the age change while at BYU?) but now I can`t wait for it every six months. Another crazy thing is that I`ve been in Canada for the past 3 now! I think they cheated and made the time between them shorter. By the way we watched the conference here at the Church building in the relief society room (in English. French was in the chapel). We invited and encouraged people to come, but only Sylvie (who doesn`t need an invitation) was there. 

Things are still good here. As we get to know the members things are getting complicated with the car. Last week both teams had dinners at far separated places at the same time 4 days in a row. We`re managing though. It is just using a lot of kilometers. 

I have to keep reminding myself that this isn`t YSA. I can`t just go on the street and be like ``hey wan`t to talk about God?`` and have about 1 third of the people say yes. Like I said our WML is fantastic. He gave us the challenge and assignment to visit every member in the ward and ask for not one, but THREE referrals from each of them! His aggressiveness and enthusiasm inspires me. His faith is 100% that we will receive referrals this way, and we feel it will work too. 

I know that my Redeemer lives. What comfort this sweet sentence gives. He lives, and while he lives I`ll sing. He lives, my prophet priest and King! 

Christ is the center of everything. I am beginning to realize this. Every doctrine I teach, every lesson I cover, should be centered on Christ`s atonement. What other Doctrine is there? What other reason would I have for preaching the Gospel? I`ve been studying how to link all the points in PMG back directly to the Atonement. The one I`m stuck on is Tithing. I can do it throught the concept of obedience, but that doesn`t specifically link Tithing to the Atonement. Any advice would be appreciated. 

I love you all so much!
Elder Hardy

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