Monday, October 20, 2014

October 13, 2014

egg on my face

Well I forgot to wish Mom and Lizzie happy Birthday despite secret reminders from Dad. At least the Atonement assures that Mom and Lizzie will be compensated in the world to come for all the pain and anguish my negligence caused them. I'm sorry guys. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me? Even though this is the seven times seventy first time? Happy birthday to you two, and also to Ronnie in case I forget.

This week was a big one personally, but a slow one for our area. We Didn't teach a lot of lessons or find a lot of potentials, but I feel like I've grown a lot. . I feel like my growth is accelerating.

I wasn't perfect this week, but I still feel I'm making progress. This feeling stems from what has happened to me this past weekend. At the wedding reception we briefly attended I was able to see a lot of members from the Dow's Lake ward. One of them, a recent convert of the Sisters, came and asked if we could take a walk around the building. We did so (don't worry Elder Spencer came along) and he confided a lot of his struggles to me. I had become one of the people he would confide in in Ottawa because I don't judge him or try to solve his problem right there for him. He talked about his struggles with the commandments and the destructive effect it has had on his testimony and his church attendance. His concerns weighed heavily on my soul. I couldn't stop thinking about him. All that night I couldn't sleep, so instead I prayed. When 6:30 came I was still praying. In the shower I prayed harder than I ever had before. I was asking the Lord to intervene on his behalf. I felt strongly that my sins were in the way of the Lord hearing my prayers. I made the decision there that I had been struggling to make for a very long time. I promised the Lord that I was done. I was willing, joyous even, to give up even my desire to sin if it would help my friend. I fasted Sunday along with some other missionaries that know him and it was a very spiritual fast for me. I've expended more spiritual energy over the last few days than I ever have before. I haven't seen the fruits of it for my friend, and I know I can't overrun his agency, but I've seen it's effect on me. Me and Elder S hit a rough patch as a companionship for a little bit, but were able to move past it. I was amazed at myself as I was able to let little digging comments directed at me slide without any return fire or even internal anger. Just a few weeks ago that sort of thing would have meant war to the knife. The Lord is strengthening me. I just feel so wonderful today. The difference in spirit is mind-blowing!

It's so cool to hear about Tanner's re-assignment. Elder S's family lives in the Fort Collins mission. Maybe he'll serve in his ward! 

I definitely don't recognize the dress Paige is wearing, but wow she looks so grown up. 

My birthday present to Ronnie can be found in the blue tubs containing my stuff in the basement. As long as he PROMISES to NEVER lose the boxes or installation codes or damage the CDs he can pull out, install, and play Age of Empires 3. I don't know if he even plays much video games anymore but it is the best I could muster as far as a gift.

I love you all so much! I can't wait for Christmas when I get to see your beautiful faces! Remember that faith is faith unless it is tested! Keep praying and keep searching for missionary opportunities and they will come. The Lord wants to give us these experiences. He just wants to be sure that we really want them.

Love: Elder Hardy the Elder (double pun/reference!!!)

p.s. Our ward mission plan has a goal of 102 baptisms by the end of 2015. I love our ward mission leader!

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