Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 27, 2014

I'm in charge now!!!

If anything has come close to shaking my faith on my mission (a joke) it is the fact that the Lord would trust me with a district. Yet he did. With the departure of Elder Dawagne to be a zone leader in Quebec city the "matrix of leadership and lots of phone calls" fell to me. I feel like now I am finally ready to contribute to this mission in a leadership role. We'll see how it goes.

This week was slow. Lots of conflicts with the car kept us from doing as much as we wanted to. That guy that I knocked on his back door wasn't home when we came for the appointment even though I had called and confirmed the night before. Poor guy doesn't realize what he's running from.

Elder Spencer is getting lots of love from the ward due to his piano abilities (we've been using a recording in sacrament meeting), so we'll actually have a chance to visit some members this week (and get fed). It's hard to visit members because they all just claim to be too busy. Then when they do decide they have time they insist on it being a dinner and all want us on Wednesdays. I'm complaining a little but really the members are great here. They're really a no-complaining get-stuff-done kind of group. It will be fun when we really get them moving on missionary work.

In the mean time while the Ward-Mission-Machine warms up me and Elder Spencer have been praying and feel we need to incorporate more personal finding into our schedule in order to keep the work rolling. Plus a few new faces at church could really help get people excited.

This new plan is being aided by the fact that we'll be receiving our own car tomorrow. It's all thanks to Elder Castrejon (was our zone leader until this new transfer). He pulled in some favors and used some of his massive influence with the A.Ps (I think one was his MTC companion, or they just like him) to show the mission office how much we need one. Thank you former companion!

Anyway that's about all for this week. Most of our appointments fell through so we spent much of our time trying to figure out how to get more. Next week should be more exciting I hope. 

I love you all!

Elder Hardy

Me blowing leaves

Elder Dawagne making a simple selfie more interesting.    

Me and Elder Dawagne on our last split together:    

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