Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 13, 2014

bonjour y'all!!

Welcome to week two of "Season of Soul!" The weather has turned wierd. It has warmed way up and started raining a lot. It makes me startled to think if it had all been snow. It makes all of us antsy for things to be so wet. The moment it drops again the world will turn back into an ice rink. 

The new Elder in our apartment is Elder Botello, from southern California again. He is spanish speaking and hilarious He is about three transfers older than me in the mission. Me and Elder Wilbur are focusing on finding new people to teach through other means. We have knocked twice in these two transfers so far. We have been trying to find through referrals, referrals from members, less actives, investigators, and God. Our teaching pool is not huge, but all of the names are solid. Some of them were found while tracting, but only Jimmy actually came from knocking on a door. The others were the result of following the spirit and talking to everyone. Knocking a lot has the opposite affect. Lots and lots of names on the white board, but very few of them are actually interested and not just polite or lonely. 

Holy cow go seahawks! a Washington team acutally worth rooting for! Definetely tell me who wins the superbowl and who they beat. Not too many people care out here in Quebec. All they care about is the NHL. Qubecers are really frustrated because a Canadien team hasn't won the Stanely cup (NHL superbowl) in a very long time. 

On a more relevant note, Jimmy is moving towards baptism on the 25th. 

Well that about does it for now. Oh one more cool thing. I found studying in 1 Nephi today something I really liked. In 1 Nephi 11 right after the angel asks Nephi "knowest thou the condescention of God?" I really was struck by Nephi's response. He displays a true understanding of the base of all doctrine, and is thus ready and capable of understanding further knowledge.

Now I am done. Bye bye everyone!

Elder Hardy

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