Tuesday, February 4, 2014

January 20, 2014

P.S. Go Seahawks!!

Sorry about that pre-script. I don't know who wrote that, maybe Elder Bottello did it while I was getting a drink (cough).

Anyway, had a pretty good week this week. Our invesigator’s baptism is finally settled for the 2 of Febuary (yes a fast sunday. Bishop really wants it on a Sunday). Other than that our new member is doing well. She is going through some adversity with regards to her past. I had a cool opportunity to testify to her on Friday about the nature of our life here on earth, and what it means to become like Christ. She is still struggling to forgive some people from her past, and doesn't want to accept that Christ would act differently. We have had some good moments teaching, and also have had some success with teaching active members. We received three referrals last week, though they are all in Stanstead (one hour drive south). We are also should start teaching Michelle this week, she is a really cool referral from Aubert. He gave her a Book of Mormon two months ago, and she is already through 2 Nephi and really liking the book. We really have high hopes for her.

In other news...there isn't much else. The sisters are being normal sisters, meaning they don't understand areas very well. First they marched into our areas and started teaching all the less actives, and are still fuming because Elder Wilbur told them to stop teaching most of them. Now they are trying to get their hands on some pass-off investigators in our areas (meaning investigators from elsewhere who moved into our area) just because they want them. Jordan Paige and Lizzie, when you are missionaries remember that the Lord assigns us to our specific areas for a reason. There are cases when sisters should go see single women outside their areas, but they shouldn't just go and start teaching EVERYONE without once informing the Elders whose area it is, and then go and get furious when those same Elders accidentally call a less active single man in the Sisters area and get invited over for dinner (and DO tell the sisters about it).

Sorry about that. I've been a little frustrated with this whole thing for a while. It's really sad that Jordan's papers are delayed.  Jordan don't let this get you down. The Lord has his hand in everything, especially when it comes to missionary work. Maybe your husband is running six months behind ;) 

Today is a letter day. I am going to write a letter to the MISH class, maybe some others, and definitely to Jordan. 

Dad: stop getting older while I'm not there!
Mom: There is no greater triumph in motherhood than 6 children strong in the faith.
Jordan: Laugh.
Tanner: never forget the most important trick in sharing the gospel: flirt to convert! (joke)
Paige: love others like yourself, but don't love yourself too much, so careful how much you care about others (joke again)
Ronnie: You are too tall.
Lizzy: Brontosaurus (for lack of a better phrase)

Elder Hardy

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